View Full Version : Help with mountain horned dragon

04-30-05, 04:18 PM
I'm worried about my MHD, from his shoulders to his hind legs is a blue color and has been for a few days now, his head and neck etc. are all regular colours it's almost a perfect band, he eats alot like he always has and is very responsive, everything is normal except the color, am i worrying about nothing, is he ready to shed???????

Any help would be greatly appreciated by both myself and salad fingers,

05-18-05, 06:37 PM
I would assume it's due to shedding. All reptiles become a bit dull/drab or a bluish color pre-shed. If he's acting normally, eating well and everything I wouldn't worry. Mist him a bit to aid the shedding. Once in the morning, and once before lights out.

Good luck.