View Full Version : Indonesian Water snake? help identify this snake( pics)

04-30-05, 03:56 PM
Hiya.... This snake is being sold as an Indonesian Water Snake.
Can anyone give me an identity on this guy? I've done searches for indonesian water snake and not come up with anything concrete.





04-30-05, 05:05 PM
its xenochrophis vittatus, formerly natrix vittata. keeps just like a garter.

04-30-05, 07:33 PM
any links to caresheets, or information on care / size/ housing requirements would be great :)

I did some searches on the names above and am not finding much on it.

Thanks again.

04-30-05, 11:33 PM
I've not seen any care sheets for this species on-line, but if you do a search for garter snake care sheets, it'll get you pretty close.

I kept one about 15 years ago and I fed it fish and kept temps in the typical colubrid range (85F hot - 75F cool side) with moderate humidity (50-60%) and it lived 3 years. It was an adult when I purchased it and didn't grow much in the time that I had it. If I remember right, it was around 2 foot long. The problem I had was that it was wild caught and eventually succumbed to parasites from what I could tell at the time (no necropsy was performed). I feel they were either from the feeder fish I fed it or that it had from the wild (these are almost always wild caught animals). I would recommend that you take a fecal sample in from your snake to the vet to check for any parasites it might have, just to be on the safe side.

I enjoyed keeping my little Indonesian Garter (or Xenochrophis vittatus). It was a nice little snake and never attempted to bite or musk.

BTW- Goldfish are not a good staple diet for snakes due to the build up of Thiaminase.

05-01-05, 12:12 AM
u know i might just be me or that snake the (indonesian garter) looks alot like a western ribbon snke not sure any guess's?

p.s. i got a western ribon and a beardie for free i'm picking it up sunday its so cooool

05-01-05, 06:11 PM
Thanks everyone :) This is a snake at the local petstore.... I was just curious as I've never seen/heard of it.