View Full Version : bowl eating

04-28-05, 10:03 AM
Hi, does anyone know how to train panthers to eat out of a bowl?

Mine just won't do it. They will eat out of a pair of tweezers no problem, but when it comes to the bowl...Should I just leave it in the cage and eventually they will?


04-28-05, 10:19 AM
what worked for me was tease them with food... hold it out and before they strike make them chase the cricket.. then just drop it into the bowl...

but somewhere on here theres a discription of a feeding container that the crix crawl up the back wall.. someone must know what im talkin about... and have a pic

04-28-05, 10:19 AM
doubble post.. sorry

04-28-05, 10:34 AM
here is a link to a good feeding container


and here is one that i made basied on that idea


04-28-05, 10:43 AM
I have had a lot of success with the design from chameleonnews.com. They key is to be persistent (that applies to lot of things with chams IMO). Eventually it will get the idea.


04-29-05, 10:22 AM
The bowl there looks good, but the only problem is that eating crix is ok...I am trying to figure out how to leave super worms in the cage without having to hand feed each one. Any ideas?

04-29-05, 10:33 AM
The feeder jug will work just fine for super worms, they will climb on the screen part of the jug and get picked off. I put all my feeders in the jug, but occassionaly free range silkworms, walking sticks, and mantids.
