View Full Version : rosy wont eat

04-27-05, 01:45 AM
i have 4 month old rosy, he hasn't eaten in 2 weeks, i tried giving him a f/t pinkie, but he just licks it and moves away. i left the pinkie in his feeding tank for the night, but he still didn't eat it. the first time i fed him a f/t pinkie he ate it no problem. i'm gonna try leaving the another pinkie in the tank today to see if he'll eat it. is it ok for him to go two or three weeks without food, considering its only 4 months old? i think he may be starting a shed cause his colours look a bit dull. could this be why he is not eating?

p.s - the heat in the tank is fine, 75 on the cool side, 85 on the hot side. i have him on newspaper bottomed rubber maid, with another crumpled newspaper sheet for cover, and he always has water.

04-29-05, 01:54 PM
85 is too cool IMHO. I always used a gradient in and around 78-92 for Rosy Boas. Rosy Boas also do not require a constant supply of water. I usually gave mine a small dish of water and let it dry up (which was a matter of a day or two) before offering them some more water in a few weeks. It is important that your Rosy Boa not be able to soak in its dish. Excessive moisture can result in dermatitis or mouth rot.

To answer your question, two or three weeks won't hurt at all. If your snake has become dull (will likely be accompanied by a pinkish belly), then it is very likely it is going in to a shed and may not want to eat during that time.

04-29-05, 06:24 PM
ok, thanks a lot Linds, i'll get the heat up a bit. and about the water, i only put a bit of water once per week, cause like u said it evapourates in a day or two. thanks again.