View Full Version : No Substrate method of incubating snake eggs

04-20-05, 08:47 PM
Hey , i was just wondering how many people are using the no substrate method of incubating snake eggs? Greg Maxwell describes it quite well in his gtp book and it seems to me to be an effective means of incubation without worrying about how dry the substrate may be getting?? Any insight here? thanks

04-21-05, 09:01 AM
Only method we have used with cornsnake and honduran milksnake eggs and it works great - we use damp vermiculite under the crate that the eggs sit on - like that the eggs are clearly visible,

mary v.

04-21-05, 08:16 PM
Very best. Now, with the damp vermiculite under the crate i would suspect you use a few air holes in your egg box? I know it is described in Maxwell's book with no air holes at all; however, he uses the crate suspended over water with no vermiculite. He regulates humidity in the eggbox with the humidity in the incubator.

04-22-05, 08:47 AM
Yes we use holes in tubs - have been following the other thread where this question is being very well addressed - I rarely post here now - as said there - many options and all seem to work well with this method -

mary v.

04-24-05, 12:07 AM
gotcha, thanks