View Full Version : hi

04-19-05, 02:58 PM
he spends most of his time in the water but does come out. i am making him a cage this summer for him but im also geting him a 90 gallon tank soon i do not hover around his tank cuz i know they get stressed out. ive done alot of resrech on them the cage im making is going to be 8l 8w 6h

04-24-05, 10:10 AM
sounds like a good size cage.... cant wait to see the pics..... im gonna make one for my sav... its gonna be 6lx4wx4h

04-24-05, 10:12 AM
kool my savannah geting a 8lx3wx3h

04-24-05, 10:49 AM
3h? is that going to be deep enough for him to make a decent burrow?


04-25-05, 07:13 PM
ive noticed my savannah doesnt like to burrow, but im still gonna put about a foot of bedding in his.......

04-26-05, 05:12 PM
If your savannah doesn't like to burrow, it's 99% likely it's because it hasn't got the right substrate to burrow in. YOU may think the substrate is okay, but you're not a savannah.

What sort of substrate have you got in there?

04-26-05, 09:28 PM
For some reason the African monitors are more substrate picky that the Aussies. My argus will dig into anything I give it. I had to work to get the proper substrate for my albig and savs. My albig prefers dirt with riverbank sand mixed in, my savs prefer a dark, somewhat sandy dirt.
You have to try different thigs to find out what works for them, not whats easiest for you.


04-27-05, 07:49 PM
ive got just plain old dirt from outside mixed with some playground sand......is there something i could use thats better?

04-27-05, 08:01 PM
unfortunately, finding out what's better is a matter of trying a few different types until your monitor starts digging in it. Perhaps you have too much playground sand in yours?