View Full Version : giving up

04-15-05, 07:05 AM
im converting to a rubbermade! i give up with the nice looking cage.....with that being said....how can i properaly set up my rubber made....like where do the holes go? how do i heat it heating pad, lamp or what? how big of a rubber made do i get? ect ect....everyones info would be really appreciated

04-15-05, 08:59 AM
depend on the size of your snake as to wht size of rubbermaid you get. I put my holes around the top of the rubbermaid 3 or so inches apart. well i use heat tape and a helix DBS1000 to control the heat for my rack, but if you don't have a rack, i would use a heat pad with at least a dimmer switch so you can control the heat source. one hide on the warm side one on the cool side and a water dish big enough for the snake to soak in if it wants to. and a digital thermometer or temp gun for temp taking. thats what my setup is anyway.

04-15-05, 09:11 AM
great! rubbermaids are the best. Here are some pics:

This one I used when I only had one bp. I had the lamps in there at first to increase the air temp in the closet, but eventually I cut a 6 x 6in. hole in the top, put some wire mesh down and lowered the lamp down to increase the ambient air temp in the enclosure. This one was 31 x 13 x 12in. The added height proved to be some trouble as afar as ambient temps are concerned, but that was fixed pretty easy. It also had a Ranco thermostat and flexwatt.

http://images5.theimagehosting.com/setup2.1.jpg (http://www.theimagehosting.com)

This is my new setup. The rubbermaids are 31 x 16 x 6 in. and are much easier to heat. I currently use a Ranco thermostat and flexwatt. The low profile tubs are the way to go, easier to heat, and take up less space.

http://images5.theimagehosting.com/Setups006.jpg (http://www.theimagehosting.com)

hope that helps.

04-15-05, 01:39 PM
are rubbermaids easy to get into if you want to get the snake out?

04-15-05, 02:39 PM
yes most of the time. it depends on how you set them up. A rubbermaid is no different than a tank.

The first pic that I posted the top is held on with large paper clips. This really keeps a bp from pushing up the lid...better than any brick :) . So all I would have to do is take off the clips and open up the top. In a rack all you have to do is slide the tub out.

The only time I have ever heard of rubbermaids being 'hard to get into' is when they are stacked. This is for the obvious reason of having to unstack them...take the bp out.. .restack ...unstack...put the bp back in.. ..restack.

i noticed you have a RTB... I actually gave my brother the setup in the first pic for a male BCI. That setup will do great until the snake is about 4 ft long or so.

04-15-05, 05:12 PM
I would not reccomend using heat lamps even as a supplemental heat source for your ball in a rubbermaid. If you have an undertank heat supply that is run off a thermostat and is properly used, and the room temp is at least 70, you should be set. Heat lamps dry out the air, which will lead to more husbandry issues. Good luck.

04-15-05, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by mykee
and the room temp is at least 70

ha ha....I wish....my roommate likes to keep the temp at about 65-70.... thats why I had the lamps hooked up to the thermostat to warm up the closet

I keep my ball pythons in that rack in my closet now. I still have a little trouble with the ambient air temps because the room temperature is so cold. I have a lamp in the closet now trying to get the air temp up a bit. Any advice on how to keep good air temps in the rack that is in a cold room would be appreciated.

...oh...I had considered closing in the sides and back of the rack with some 1/4 plywood. Do you think that will help keep the air temp up in the tubs?

04-15-05, 06:33 PM
will a heating pad melt the plastic on the bottom of the rubbermade, and will i have to secure the top anymore than it just snapping on

04-15-05, 07:06 PM
Nope heating pads do not get that hot. I would highly reccommend getting a thermostat for it though. And a Indoor/outdoor digital thermometer ($10.00 at Wal Mart).
Here is the rack I just built, it would be best, if you have the facility and tools to build a rack, especially if you plan on aquiring more BP's.


(I am sure some won't approve of my cross post but I am not about to redo the complete post)