View Full Version : lab animal guidelines...

11-22-02, 02:57 AM
Hey all, I've been doing a little research to find out what the most acceptable methods of euthanasia are in labs for rodents, and I found the american veternary medical association guidelines ( http://iacuc.cwru.edu/resources/euthanasia.pdf ). Now, does anyone know if Canada follows these as well, or if we have our own set of guidelines? Links, if any, would be much appreciated.


11-22-02, 01:17 PM
The Canadian guidelines are those of the Canadian Council of Animal Care and are available at http://www.ccac.ca/ . While they do not have legislated authority as far as I know, they are the agency that inspects animals and facilities where animals are used in research and Canadian universities typically abide by their recommendations and are subject to their inspections. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association endorses their policies and their statement on animal welfare can be found at http://www.cvma-acmv.org/welfare1.asp?subcat=Priorities&num=3.

Mary v.

11-22-02, 01:22 PM
I don't know anything about regulations, and such, but I can tell you that the labs at my university use CO2 to euthanize rodents.

11-24-02, 03:42 PM
Thanks for the links Mary! Just what I was looking for.... the Canadian guidelines seem to be a little more ambiguous than the american ones, but pretty close to the same thing.
