View Full Version : vets, ARRRRG!

second skin
04-13-05, 03:25 PM
I know this isnt the first time this has been discused , and it probably wont be the last but I am having sooo much trouble with my vet its rediculous.
My problem is the just keep milking me for cash,I mean I dont have a problem shelln' out for meds or cultures but my stupid vet wants me to transport 3 sic adult snakes an hour out of my way just to tell me that "she needs to do a culture, that its a psudamonial respiratory infection and that she is going to perscribe Baytril"
how frustrating is it when they want you to come in to pay them hundreds of dollars just for them to tell you exactly what you already know !!!!!!!
what to do, what to do?

04-13-05, 05:35 PM
Um....find a new vet?

04-13-05, 08:09 PM
The answer to this one is really quite simple. It's illegal to prescribe medications in canada without performing at least a physical exam.

Any veterinarian who does so will lose his/her licence, on the spot.

After $100,000+ of student debt, more school than an MD, and a terrible return on education vs. salary, can you blame them?

Vets make five figure salaries. Might seem great, but after 7+ years of university and years of continuing education, I have all the respect in the world for people who still choose this unappreciated profession. It's not surprising that so many vets are bitter...

That's not to say that I don't have a long list of veterinarians whose necks I'd like to wring... but in this case, it's a legal thing, not a money grab.

Incidentally, you can go to most Pet Rx sites and buy antibiotics w/o a prescription. You just have to look for meds for fish. You don't need a Rx for fish. ;)

second skin
04-13-05, 08:51 PM
thanks mykee you truly are wise:)
I just wish that the vet would take into consideration that alot of people in this situation do not even take their reptiles to the vet because the prescription is usually more than the reptile itself,
it would be nice if they would work with a RESPONSIBLE pet owners as opposed to shutting the door in my face when all I need is a simple saliva culture.
Why cant people just do things MY way :)

babysweet, thanks for the insight, pet rx info was very helpful

04-13-05, 08:57 PM
Baby; 5 figures don't seem that great. I was makin' 5 figures with my after school job at 15.

04-13-05, 09:03 PM
What were you doing, selling drugs?! ;)

04-13-05, 09:14 PM
I was making "five figure salaries" in high school too ;)
Though, there's quite a difference between $10,000 and $99,999...
I think the point is that vets don't make six figure salaries.

04-13-05, 09:32 PM
Baby Sweet : kudos to you. Most people dont realize what we have to go through to become a vet. In addition reptile (exotics in general) are barely covered in vet school and most have to larn on our own....so trust me its a passion that drives us NOT the money. You were right on the ball when you said that in order to prescribe medication we MUST have a patient-doctor relationship which requires ANNUAL physical exam......

Second Skin........... you comments are absurd.....whrere did you get your vet degree???? you think we're out ther just to soak you for $ ???? do you actually realize how expensive it is to run the verious test we recommend??? especially when its run on species that are not "typical" for the labs.....

You chose to own the animals then you must assume the financial responsibility to take care of them...... if your philosiphy is that its too expensive to treat your animals then why are you keeping them in the first place........maybe you should take up knitting instead....

I apologize to the moderators but I'm sick & tired of people assuming we are money-sucking ********........maybe those people should take a good long look in the mirror before making assinine comments

Just my thoughts.:2yellow:

04-14-05, 07:18 PM
I see this all the time, unfortunately people don't understand that 9/10 times, the attending veterinarian is NOT the owner of the clinic and gets NOTHING extra for services rendered. On the same note, they don't realize that the veterinarian has to pay both the other doctors, the technicians and their assistance - at the end of the day, they aren't making a whole lot of money.

I just wish that the vet would take into consideration that alot of people in this situation do not even take their reptiles to the vet because the prescription is usually more than the reptile itself,

Although its great that you are taking your animal to the veterinarian, you are not doing anything extra, you are just doing what is required of you. When we purchase animals we assume the responsibility of their care, unfortunately these things happen and it is not always cheap. I am sure that if the veterinarian was making a great deal of money off you after expenses, they would be more then willing to better assist you financially. However, you cannot expect them to take money out of their own pocket, or to put their license on the line because you feel it isn't fair.

In addition reptile (exotics in general) are barely covered in vet school and most have to larn on our own....so trust me its a passion that drives us NOT the money.

On top of what Dr. Auger mentioned, the courses for exotics are hundreds of dollars EACH, on top of any reference materials which may be required. Definitely not something driven by the money involved.

04-14-05, 08:32 PM
i see where second skin is coming from, its kinda of annoying when you know 100% whats wrong with your animal and what you need, but still have to take your animal in anyways.

However those are the rules and its definately not worth the vet losing their license just to make our lives a wee bit more convienent

04-14-05, 08:47 PM
The fact remains that you are not trained nor are you licensed to make a diagnosis, hence you do NOT know 100% what is wrong with your animal. Stop whining.

04-14-05, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by montie420
i see where second skin is coming from, its kinda of annoying when you know 100% whats wrong with your animal and what you need, but still have to take your animal in anyways.

Its kind of like me, Every year (winter) I get Bronchitis sp? for I would say at least the last 7-8 yrs. Every year after the first when I got sick I knew it was Bronchitis and I also knew what medcine I needed. But that dosent make me a doctor and be able just to go to the drug store and get what I need. I still have to go to the doctors and get a perscrption filled which I dont mind doing because if there was anything else wrong I would like to know. So same goes for your animal if its a dog, snake , bird , or hamster it is your responsiblity to make sure its ok. Just like you would do to yourself. IMO
