05-19-05, 02:15 PM
Where did I say blood type compatibility is the same? I used it as an example showing that in our own species which is a far more complicated organism, that there is incompatibility. Gee as I've said before the fact that they bred and reproduced sure seems to point to them being not really all that removed from each other. As for the rest we'll just have to wait and see how they do. You don't like it fine but when you and Gregg think you can show your righteousness by shouting others down and trying to run them off the thread then yeah I have a problem with that.
As I've said before about this cross your not right I'm not right we'll have to wait and see
As for shouldn't and can't well lets see when someone says something once You, Gregg, What's her name. All made your opinions known in your first post. As you have in other post on the subject so why did you feel it necessary to voice it again? Why was it Necessary to be rude and insulting to others Gee I remember your first post to me. And when others respond to you the same way you act all offended. Remember who it was that stated they wanted to kill these animals? You and Gregg wanted to kill them ,now that sure seems like you are definitively saying that Nerd should not of done this breeding and if YOU could you would have stopped them. So Like I mentioned to Gregg if and when you are in the position to say can't(lord help us) to those who want to breed what they want too, are you now saying that you wouldn't tell them they can't! You can play on words all you want but yes you three have been saying Can't.
You go after others because they say it's none of your business what NERD or anyone else breeds, you call them pro hybrid and accuse them of being stupid and uninformed, or in my case you wanted my name as you were sure I was someone else yet I gave you the info and you disappeared for a while , no oops I was mistaken just poof.
The facts are we don't know how these babies will do, the facts are that many hybrids work out just fine others are so so and still others are disasters. Some keep saying these are different species . To be honest I really don't care if they are or not, it really doesn't matter. They bred and now we'll see just how closely related they are. It's been done so get over it.
Moral lines??? your morals and your welcome to whatever you feel they should be but don't tell us what we should believe. And that's just what you have been doing trying to convince everyone else that your have the right moral convictions . You can believe whatever you wish to I don't care but don't try to convince me that you or Gregg are here for the welfare of this litter of hybrids you've already stated that you wish they were dead! yep wanting to destroy someone else's property or animals that shows Moral conviction. Just as people blowing up abortion clinics shows their moral convictions. My way or the highway or in this case die!
By the way yes it does increase the likelihood of any possible genetic problems that my wife or I may have in our makeup showing up in the child. Gee I was there for the amnio and talked to the doctors. Talk about Ignorant We all have things in our genetic makeup that we really hope never come to the for front. Buried in your genetic code are defects or abnormalities that your ancestors had.
You dislike hybrids OK fine by me but as a few people have pointed out why do you feel it necessary to point out your feelings on this subject time after time? We heard you the first time. Yep you can post whatever you like to but then don't get all offended when your told to blow it out your ear. Did yours and Gregg's comments and your stating you wanted the animals dead add anything positive to this thread? Nope it just offended people that you feel that way and they told you so. The person who started this thread posted photos for all of us to see and you guys ran them off the thread. Now what was that about morals?? Nope we could have learned more but instead you had to point out the higher moral ground you think you stand on.
As I've said before about this cross your not right I'm not right we'll have to wait and see
As for shouldn't and can't well lets see when someone says something once You, Gregg, What's her name. All made your opinions known in your first post. As you have in other post on the subject so why did you feel it necessary to voice it again? Why was it Necessary to be rude and insulting to others Gee I remember your first post to me. And when others respond to you the same way you act all offended. Remember who it was that stated they wanted to kill these animals? You and Gregg wanted to kill them ,now that sure seems like you are definitively saying that Nerd should not of done this breeding and if YOU could you would have stopped them. So Like I mentioned to Gregg if and when you are in the position to say can't(lord help us) to those who want to breed what they want too, are you now saying that you wouldn't tell them they can't! You can play on words all you want but yes you three have been saying Can't.
You go after others because they say it's none of your business what NERD or anyone else breeds, you call them pro hybrid and accuse them of being stupid and uninformed, or in my case you wanted my name as you were sure I was someone else yet I gave you the info and you disappeared for a while , no oops I was mistaken just poof.
The facts are we don't know how these babies will do, the facts are that many hybrids work out just fine others are so so and still others are disasters. Some keep saying these are different species . To be honest I really don't care if they are or not, it really doesn't matter. They bred and now we'll see just how closely related they are. It's been done so get over it.
Moral lines??? your morals and your welcome to whatever you feel they should be but don't tell us what we should believe. And that's just what you have been doing trying to convince everyone else that your have the right moral convictions . You can believe whatever you wish to I don't care but don't try to convince me that you or Gregg are here for the welfare of this litter of hybrids you've already stated that you wish they were dead! yep wanting to destroy someone else's property or animals that shows Moral conviction. Just as people blowing up abortion clinics shows their moral convictions. My way or the highway or in this case die!
By the way yes it does increase the likelihood of any possible genetic problems that my wife or I may have in our makeup showing up in the child. Gee I was there for the amnio and talked to the doctors. Talk about Ignorant We all have things in our genetic makeup that we really hope never come to the for front. Buried in your genetic code are defects or abnormalities that your ancestors had.
You dislike hybrids OK fine by me but as a few people have pointed out why do you feel it necessary to point out your feelings on this subject time after time? We heard you the first time. Yep you can post whatever you like to but then don't get all offended when your told to blow it out your ear. Did yours and Gregg's comments and your stating you wanted the animals dead add anything positive to this thread? Nope it just offended people that you feel that way and they told you so. The person who started this thread posted photos for all of us to see and you guys ran them off the thread. Now what was that about morals?? Nope we could have learned more but instead you had to point out the higher moral ground you think you stand on.