View Full Version : Basking sites.

Tim Winegard
11-21-02, 03:51 PM
Hey, There everyone
I was wondering how everyone gets their Beardies within 12" of there UVB and basking lights? I was wondering if dowling would work to create some perches? Or will I have to go with a reptile hammock. (if these are at all good for Beardies.) I have rocks and about one pet store log but its only about 12 inches high and the hieght of my cage is 24 inches.
Thanks again
Tim Winegard

11-21-02, 04:06 PM
i got a triangular rock and a thick branch in the woods
i cleaned the rock with anti-bacterial soap and then baked it and the wood at 200F for 3 hours
i propped the branch on the rock and have a 100 watt basking bulb and UVB bulb between 4-6 inches from him
those are my only heat sources

11-21-02, 04:22 PM
I got lots of flat shale to use as "steps" and untreated grapevine at a craft store that I could use to make a tripod. I used silicone aquarium sealant to glue the pieces of wood and rock together and let it dry for a few days before using.