View Full Version : Bearded Dragon Sex

04-05-05, 05:28 PM
i just sawe my bearded dragons do it and i was wondering if the sperm of a male is red or what colour is itr because he has something red on his hole ?

04-05-05, 06:17 PM
something red on his hole? I dont really understand the question.

04-05-05, 10:03 PM
lol lets put it this way is bearded dragon sperm red?

04-06-05, 07:40 AM
Probably not many people would know what colour it is, since the dragons don't often leave it lying around to be found by owner. If there's something red, I'm inclined to think it's blood if it's liquid, or possibly a prolapse if it's more solid like a body part. Neither one sounds good. Check closely and see what it might be, a trip to the vet might be in order.

04-06-05, 10:08 PM
No, a male dragon's sperm isn't red. I would guess if you noticed some red around the vent after mating, that it's likely blood. I wouldn't really worry about it, aside from watching the area for swelling/ooze in case it were to develop (I've never had any problems like this from the occasional mating nick) - he likely injured himself on the females scales when mating, making himself bleed a bit.

Hope this helps!


04-07-05, 01:58 PM
awsome thats good to kno not to worry about him.. he seems ok.. active and eating fine still thanks fr the info