View Full Version : Interested in a kenyan sand boa

Cobra 514
04-04-05, 09:16 PM
I am a piranha keeper that wants to get into reptile keeping. I have an empty 10 gal (20'' x 10'') and want to get either a kenyan sand boa or a leopard gecko. Can I hear about any of ur experiences with these snakes, tips and even pics of ur set ups?? Please anything would be appreciated.....Thanks.

Oh and what would be better to keep, male or female?

04-05-05, 11:43 PM
I have a Kenyen sand boa and have had a leopard gecko. Both are Great starter reptiles! I would suggest the KSB (kenyen sand boa). Why?? Not having to buy crickets twice a week! With the KSB you can feed it f/t (frozen/thawed) rodents. I got rid of my lizards because of the crickets. As far as males or females, females grow about 3 times larger than males. Females usually top off at 3-3.5 feet, and males just under 2 feet. Females also are a lot larger girth wise. I don't have any pics, sorry. I highly suggest you get one of these great little snakes! If you do DO NOT use sand as the substrate. Even though there name suggests sand, they don't really live in sand. I use a product called Carefresh, you can also use aspen.
Hope this helps and feel free too ask more ??????

04-24-05, 01:16 PM
Kenyans are the greatest, however they are slightly addicting. I started out getting 2 baby Anerys. I now am up to 9 Kenyans of all sizes and colors and am hoping to start breeding this year. They are very easy snakes to care for and have great personalities. They do not get too big and do not require high maintainance set ups. I agree with Brad about NOT using sand. I use beta chip in my cages. I have tried beta chip, dessert littler (from the pet stores), aspen, and carefresh and have settled with beta chip. The sand and litter seemed unhealthy for the animals and the carefresh seemed like it was drying out my males eyes, so I like beta chip the best. I have pics I can post later this week of all my babies. All I can really say is that these snakes are much easier to keep as pets than my brother's leopard gecko was. Which ever you end up choosing good luck and happy herping.

04-26-05, 10:59 PM
Hey JennJenn, where do you get your Beta chips from?? I can not find them anywhere, even online. Thanks

04-27-05, 09:04 PM
Oh wait, my mistake I thought it was beta chip, but it is called Habi Chip. It is what all the reptile stores out here use and I like it the best out of everything I have tried. I got mine from LLL Reptile, they have a website, www.lllreptile.com .

04-27-05, 09:11 PM
That last post was me. I was on under my boyfriends screenname and didn't know. Whoops.

04-27-05, 09:14 PM
Kenyans are great. I have a female neonate and my daughter (10) owns an adult male. This is her guy. She just absolutely loves him!


I have heard of some kenyans being a little more skittish than others. So, you might want to handle it before the purchase to make sure, my female is a bit spastic but I'm sure some handling will help that out. I just got her this month. ;)