View Full Version : WSPCR Meetings

04-04-05, 06:56 PM
im sure some of you of heard of them. im trying to premote the club and get some intrest going in it. there is huge potential in it and im trying to take advantage of it. we need more people comeing out to the meetings that have good ideas on how to help. i believe the next meeting is on April 19th at 7pm in the Whalley Library. if im wrong ill update this. the website is www.wspcr.com. hope to see some of you there!

04-10-05, 09:51 PM
so theres no one in this site that is intrested? lots of people have looked at this post

04-11-05, 01:11 PM
Wish I could make it but I will be out of town . I will definetly be there next month. I think its great that you are trying to promote the WSPCR. Hope the meeting has a better turn out than the last one I was at .

04-14-05, 08:28 PM
Its being held in Surrey? That's pretty close then. I might check it out. Does one have to be a member to attend? What do you discuss?

04-15-05, 12:11 AM
no u dont have to be a member. the website is www.wspcr.com and its to discuss the futyure of the club. and yes it is in surrey

04-15-05, 04:39 AM
I looked at the post, but I live in Wyoming, USA, lol I'm trying to get a club started here, too, but it's a very small city (Cheyenne).