View Full Version : ~$$amizon Tree Boa$$~

king nick
04-04-05, 03:10 PM
Iv been lookin around and Im thinkin on gettin a amizon tree boa...
They dont seem to be to popular......does anyone know a canadian breeder? What pri$e do they guys run at?


king nick
04-06-05, 04:58 PM
come on ppl, i know some off you have 1 or two of them

04-06-05, 05:42 PM
I know of 'amazon' tree boas, there should be a few breeders on the westcoast. I think don patterson has them but I could be wrong. Mine wont be breeding for a little bit yet.

king nick
04-06-05, 07:42 PM
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do you know any price ranges on them?

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04-06-05, 07:48 PM
they have 2 at the pet store near me...green earth... i think they are 175...but i am not sure...also green earth is sometimes a little pricey

04-06-05, 08:17 PM
Well the prices for amazon's varies greatly with coloration and age. Gardens can go for anywhere from 60-100. Reds can for 100-250. Yellows can go for 100-250. for example. The prices pretty much depends on the individual snake. You can have solid reds and yellows that have to little to no black markings and those with large amounts of black markings, and obiviously the solid red/yellows go for more.

04-11-05, 09:50 AM
Most are born in fall, but can be born through out the year. You'll probably only find wild caught right now....Or someone selling from their personal collection....