View Full Version : savs and why ya love em

04-03-05, 10:54 PM
for me its simple, they are calm and gentle, fun to watch and care for, and just all around beautiful

04-07-05, 05:31 PM
I have wanted a savannah monitor for over a year, and i am finally able to get one(within the next 3 weeks)

I always thought they were agressive, lol, but i held a few today and was very surprized how calm they were, just walking on my hand.

04-07-05, 08:14 PM
They are all different. I will say most of the savs I have kept were docile and calm. But, I have had some that were down right pissy.
They were all given the same care and attention but sometimes you wind up with one that just doesn't like people.


04-07-05, 08:28 PM
True kap, you see, when i got my first snake(ball python, 2 years ago) i was told i will never see an agressive one, mine is like a big baby.

But at a pet store near me, they had one that strikes the glass like a blood python, and bites the guy there every time he holds it.

But also guy in the us told me once, getting an agressive savy is like getting an agressive ball python, not sure if this is true, but it seems like it cause every savy i saw both baby and adult(i worked with a few adults) were all tame like a puppy, lol.

04-07-05, 09:37 PM
Sav's are my love .. they are very cool .. my first monitor doubt they will be my last though.

I find myself watching my two girls interacting .. sometimes they are territorial and very agressive towards each other , thus far not have injured each other at all .. and other times I watch them Like I am writing this they are laying side by side ...

04-07-05, 10:46 PM
I love mine for the robust build, and powerful look, and that he is extremely aggressive and tries to kill me when I enter his cage..:)

04-08-05, 12:10 AM
They're all WC and that's a shame. If i had known it i would never had bought one. I've had ( probably her ) for two years and i like her a lot but i dont encourage people to get savs since it encourages WC imports. I may try and find a male and try to produce eggs as a future project...


04-08-05, 03:38 PM
are there not ANY cb?

04-08-05, 05:33 PM
There are some... There are currently a 2 at a petstore in guelph, and they are Captive bred, They hatched at a friend of mines house, because he incubates eggs for people who dont have the knolege to incubate eggs. Anyhow, there are some CB savs but they are a little harder to find. Look hard and you will be rewarded.

04-08-05, 09:00 PM
I am in the same boat I am looking for a male Sav as I have TWO females right now .. I want to produce captive bred ones .. CB Sav's are like the mythical Unicorn .. some have seen them but for the most part they are myth lol

if you can get one snap it up well worth it

05-01-05, 08:43 AM
I've got three CB right now, I'm familar with the source, so it's not like some of the CB ones I've seen at shows ....

Anyway, I think they are still young and I think I've got two males and a female. I'll probally give the odd guy out to a friend or family member. I'm hoping to be producing some babies within the next year or two.

So everyone that wants one just wait :)

05-01-05, 11:25 AM
I have a new sav that was given to me. It is a little dehyderated and stressed, but not too bad. I brought it home, stuck it in a large rubermaid tub filled with cypress mulch, a waterbowl and a hot basking spot.
It should come through just fine. I will open the tub to only offer food and clean water for the next 2 weeks.
While picking it up I did see the most obese sav at a petstore the previous owner works at.
They have a few teenaged boys working there and I think they all love to see it eat.
I talked to the employees at the petstore about the feedings and care for thier savs. It's up to them if they take my advise.


05-01-05, 12:09 PM
Phil, im tracking down a few females so I can get a captive bred project of savannah monitor's going. There a nice monitor to own, *excluding the fact that they're all WC* and I hope that people do the same...then..there's no need to remove them from the wild in these conditions they are.

05-01-05, 12:24 PM
I just re-read my post and relized it sounded stupid
Anyway, I think they are still young and I think I've got two males and a female.

Should read:

Anyway, They are still young and I think I've got two males and a female.

I know the are young, I'm not guessing or something ....