View Full Version : incubator!!!!

04-03-05, 02:51 PM
umm whats is better 2 use a light or a clay heater for a invubator im gonna get a styrofoam box put a hole on top and put plexi glass voer top so i can c in! get a cake tin and fill with water and put a clay heater in it!!!! then attatch the clay heater 2 the thermostat !!! get mesh cloth over the tin so i can put the plastic case with the eggs in it over top the water !??? woudl that work???

or shjould i use a light and hook that up 2 thermostat???
IS A 100watt light 2 much 2 use in a incubator???

eny info would be good thanks alot !!!!!!

04-04-05, 09:16 PM
ive got my incubator togeather now.. it consists of a styrofoam bod. 100 watt submersable aquarium heater and a digital thermometer.. weve had it put togeather for about 30-45 minutes now and the temperature is at 75 degrees farenheit.. soo far soo good..

04-04-05, 09:33 PM
what is the perfect temperature for the eggs to be at?

04-04-05, 10:21 PM
depends on the species of egg thats in there. I had my beardie egg's at 83 degrees and it took 53 days.

04-05-05, 10:00 AM
what do you mean by species.. like arent all bearded dragons relatively alike.. egg wise

04-05-05, 05:11 PM
can adjust temps for different sexes to i think i know you can with snakes and geckos. i have seen tonnes of this info on the web while i was just surfing around for beardie info, im sure you will find alot of info and exact details with yahoo, or altavista, give it a try.

04-05-05, 05:21 PM
They are infact closely related, same species, just a few different sub speicies.