View Full Version : Wrestlemania 21

04-02-05, 11:50 AM
Anyone catchin the biggest PPV of the year??

04-03-05, 12:50 PM
HELL YEAH! Can't wait!

04-03-05, 01:05 PM
I pre-ordered it yesterday. You're just NOT a real wrestling fan if you dont watch Wrestlemania.

04-08-05, 06:37 PM
*blinks*... boys are weird :P

04-08-05, 10:11 PM
not the best show i have ever seen. i guess i liked seeing hulk and pipper again better then anything else. cowboy bob has had that cast on his arm since he worked in japan with abduallah back in the 70's. wonder if that thing will ever heel? ha ha. i had pretty much quit wrestling, but i got a call 2 weeks ago from a new show in nashville, tn. they are paying us very well, so i went back in. had a good time, but i am still not recovered. =) been out too long.