View Full Version : Crested Gecko Cage needs decorating

04-02-05, 12:50 AM
Hey all, I have just about completed the building phase of this cage that I am going to divide down the middle and have two separate tall enclosures for Crested Gecko's...

I am looking for input on the best way to decorate this...

I am thinking of putting a large plant in either side, along with a waterfall and lots of drift wood...I am planning on using coconut mulch and moss as substrate...


Thanx for looking...


04-02-05, 10:42 PM
That's an awesome enclosure! How big is it? Did you use glass or plexi? and are those cabinets on the bottom? How long did it take you to make it? It looks great!
where are you getting the driftwood? I know a site that sells it real cheap its www.freewebs.com/drift-wood

04-04-05, 11:42 PM
thanx for your comments outcold720...

the measurements are 53"H x 45"W x 16"D (Total)
and yes I used the bottom 12" for two small cabinets for supplies

I used real glass for the two fromt doors and the sides...

Its taken me about a month to get this far

Thanx for the link


04-05-05, 12:36 AM
Check out this thread, it talks about the the care required with a waterfall.

Thread Link (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=67380)