View Full Version : Retics vs Burms?

11-20-02, 08:02 PM
Just a simple question. Which is easier to find out on the market here in Canada?From my experience it seems to be the burmese. Could that be cause of the reputation the retic has for being aggressive?

11-20-02, 08:29 PM
Id say its one, because the burmese has an over all better reputation than the retic, two there are WAY more burmese breeders than retic breeders in Canada .. three, Burmese are much easier to breed than retics, burmese generally get smaller than retics .. burmese have more morph than retics .. I could go on an on ..

Hope it heplps a bit


jason h
11-21-02, 07:54 AM
to add to that there is just a larger herp market in the U.S. herpetoculture is still in the early stages here so many ppl arent yet comfortable with the idea of owning a retic they are definatly a species you ""HAVE"" to work up to IMHO;)

11-21-02, 04:07 PM
not to mention burms are cheaper.

11-21-02, 06:07 PM
Well burms tend to get a lot thicker faster. Jason I agree with you about the retics get longer.But I would say that if you were to get a captive bred. retic and raise it well,it could be just as good as a captive bred burm. Also I have heard that retics are way more intelligent then burms.Liek they follow you with their eyes alone.

11-21-02, 06:42 PM
thats a little creepy actually, i think retics are gorgeouse, but all the ones i have ever seen were very agressive.

11-21-02, 06:52 PM
Retics are really kool looking snakes. I like them a lot. But the few I have handled were pretty tame.And I have heard that a lot of them are tame now.Even though they have been known for the exact oppisite of tame.But I believe it got that reputatuion cause of all the wild caughts when they first came here.

11-21-02, 07:25 PM
well i have a retic, and a burm, i love them both, they are both beautiful snakes, but its true about the retic and being intelligent, she outsmarts me a lot of the time lol, and yeah she does follow me with just her eyes, i can't pick one over the other, they're both tame, both beautiful, both demand a lot of respect...lets call it a tie

jason h
11-22-02, 08:20 AM
ohh i totally argee they are both beautiful i have 2 retics and at this point 7 burms but if it came down to getting bit a retic is very smart and extremely fast compared to burms especially when it comes to food response both should be respected for size and strength Ive been bitten and coiled by a 16' burm who is "tame"and accident can and do happen regardless,all i was saying that i agree the reputation of retics is do to wild caught but that reputation at this point still lingers thus keeping many keepers from getting them where burms are known for there docile nature so they are amore mainstream snake,as the fact that burms have been in the mainstream ALOT longer than retics.:D

11-22-02, 12:13 PM
I have to agre with Jason, Retics you have to have more experience and you definitely work more to handle them. Overall though I like retics more because they are so intelligent and beautiful. Some of the dwarf species are easier to handle and make for a better snake for the novice herper. Our female rare Calico type is around 15 -16 feet and we hope to breed her with a male Jampea Dwarf or dwarf yellowhead.

tlc reptiles
11-24-02, 10:40 PM
i live in the us and retics are a dime a dozen and so are burms and iv had both and i like both there my favorite pythons so dont know witch is the smartest and fastest all i know is they both bite hard and it will cause you to have stitches thats a fact learned that the hard way but i still love them

12-01-02, 09:25 AM
I have owend both retics and burms, I would say that brums are more predicatable but if you get a CB retic they can be just as tame as a burmese, and retics do get longer but not so fat so that is an even trade. The only problem I have ever had with burmese is they have a very strong feeding response so if your not carefull you know. I love my Retics and I'm gonna vote for them :D