View Full Version : Favorit python

Mark Krabbe
04-05-02, 01:40 PM
It could be fun to hear what all of you, have as favorits, and have as "dream projects" that might would be a reality in the future or maybe allready is a reality.....

For me it´s

#1 Black pythons (Morelia boeleni)
#2 Womas (Aspidites ramsayi)
#3 Diamond pythons (Morelia s. spilota)

Hopefully the Womas will be a reality this summer when I´ve sold all of my offsprings......

Brian Petersen
04-05-02, 01:54 PM
Like the other dane in here:D

My list has to be:
#1 Antaresia Perthensis
#2 Antaresia Stimsoni
#3 Antareisia Childreni

I hope 2 of the 3 will be in hands later this year.


04-05-02, 02:59 PM
Im gonna go with:

#1 - Green Tree Python (Morelia virids)
#2 - Centralian Carpet Python (Morelia bredli)
#3 - Olive Python (Liasis olivaceus olivaceus)

Im doubt I will be seeing #2 or #3 for a while.
good topic mark!!!

04-05-02, 03:39 PM
#1 - Boeleans
#2 - Woma
#3 - Borneo blood.

04-05-02, 03:43 PM
Only trouble is...I know where I can get them (Casey Lazik) but I want unrelated pairs. And then there's that small matter of money. Ouch, those beauties demand a hefty tag. Yup, it's a dream project.

04-05-02, 03:56 PM
#1 White-lipped python

#2 Blood python

#3 All the other:D

04-05-02, 04:07 PM
I'd Love an Albino Rock python - Athought I ahve never seen a pic ..

ANY other Carpet pythons .. mainly New guinea and IJ

and any other!

jason h
04-05-02, 09:55 PM
black headed pythons
albino borneo bateaters
ya know still dreamin lol

04-05-02, 10:58 PM
Angolan Pythons
Timor Pythons
Papuan Pythons

The list could go on for awhile, but I'd be torturing myself. heh

Grant vg
04-05-02, 11:34 PM
An ivory or red Albino blood python would suffice..lol:)

04-06-02, 06:57 AM
I WANT A PIEBALD BALL!!!! Not for breeding(although im sure it would come around) But just to look at all day long. I am absolutly FASCINATED by them.

Also 1.1 Amazon Basin Emeralds:o

1.1 Albino dwarf retics...(I think albino retics are the nicest looking of all the albino pythons out there...esp. lavender phase)

1.1 REAL Axanthic Balls....not some un-proven imported ones-even though they are pretty too!!!!


jason h
04-12-02, 06:29 PM
i gotta agree kolleen the albino retics gotta be the prettiest i especially like bob clarkes (dont know the exact name) the ones that are florecent orange with the lavender stripes, there SWEET!

04-12-02, 06:56 PM
Black python(this is the most attractive snake I've ever seen)!
piebald ball
gtp thats more blue than green

04-13-02, 09:25 PM
In no particular order:

*Halmahera Python
*Boeleons Python
*Angolan Python

Teeheehee... that marbled borneo of yours Grant would make a lovely addition to my collection as well :bsmile:

Grant vg
04-13-02, 10:42 PM
Well Linds, If all goes well with this next buy...i might just sell her to u if u want?....................

..........NOT!!! lol
Thanks for the compliment though....hopin to have some babies in two yrs time.:)

04-13-02, 11:28 PM
LOL... your a meanie :P Is marbled co-dom or simple recesssive? When will you be expecting some lil marbled kids?

Grant vg
04-13-02, 11:40 PM
As far as i know marbled and/or speckled-sided is simple recessive as stated in the barkers care sheet....will just have to see...
I wish, i wish, i wish...(clicking my shoes together three times) i could find a mommy just like him!
as for expecting babies....hmmmmm.....as soon as i get some femmes...That would be a start:(

04-14-02, 11:19 AM
Boelen's for sure.