View Full Version : Egg production

04-01-05, 01:09 AM
Hey all.
I hope this is ok, but someone from a smaller msn forum had a question about her female chameleon. So I'll post it and hopefully someone can help me, help her out.

Thanks everyone.

"However, I have a different problem. Actually, I don't want her to produce eggs at all. I don't want to breed, and as I am really fond of her, I would like her to become as old as possible.
Last time she laid 70 eggs (!!!). That was pretty stressful for her. Even if I cannot stop her from producing eggs at all, maybe I can at least reduce the numbers. Obviously, this is to do with feeding. But I honestly thought I had fed her a lot less over the winter months.
Now I heard from somebody that I should feed her only twice a week. Is that enough? And how much (e.g. how many crickets of what size) should I give her on those two days? I thought that you should feed a veiled chameleon at least four days a week....?
I am really confused, and also I have a really hungry and gumpy chameleon here..."


04-01-05, 08:14 AM
Thre is nothing u can do to stop the eggs, reduced feeding will cause her to be less "meaty" and produce less eggs, this dosent mean she cant be fed every day, as a general guide i would say 5 crix a day. of course it will need differnt food items , and 5 ish crix might not be enough, id get he on a constant food scedule that will help her balance her weight out and then ajustments can be made from there, some times females just produce lots off eggs nothing u can do, for what it is worth infirtal eggs are slightly smaller then firtal and that makes them slightly easier to lay, although laying is always a huge drain.

that is my 2 cents

04-01-05, 02:57 PM
I am pretty sure you can get her 'fixed'. I think someone on our forum had a cham (she called it spayed) but it cost a mighty sum. Maybe look into that, other than that, follow Brandy's instructions.