View Full Version : Green Snow

11-20-02, 05:10 PM
Here are some pictures of my green snow.

Male Green Snow Head Shot
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Candycanecorn&album_id=96028&image_id=94&courtesy=1">

Male Green Snow 1
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Candycanecorn&album_id=96028&image_id=95&courtesy=1">

Male Green Snow 2
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Candycanecorn&album_id=96028&image_id=96&courtesy=1">

Hope that you all like him...
more photos are coming.....once I get them uploaded....if I have time that is...lol

11-20-02, 06:23 PM
wow thats really kool! how old is he?

11-20-02, 06:36 PM
ok ....i am kinda new to corns..i have 2...a snow and a normal..how do you tell what type of snow you have? cuz i know there is many different "phases" of snow....

thanks in advance,

11-20-02, 07:03 PM
Nice snake!

11-20-02, 10:41 PM
Look @ those glowing eyes!
nice work

11-21-02, 02:18 AM
thanks all

this male snow is a yearling...well going on to it's second year now.

in order to determine what you snake is going to look like; either a regular snow, pink snow, green snow it'll really have to depend on the parents. Most of the time, a regular snow x regular snow will result in regular snows....but then there are always the odds of having some other colored snow.

But mainly it will have to depend on how the parents look like.....

11-21-02, 11:39 AM
wow.... almost Christmas colours
gorgeous colours Simon !!!

11-21-02, 01:19 PM
Very nice corn as usual Simon!!!

11-21-02, 05:04 PM
awesome, can't wait to see what my little girl will look like hehe

11-21-02, 06:28 PM
Very nice snow. Mine had green like that when he was young and I thought I had a green snow but he seems to have out grown it, as there is almost no trace of it anymore. Maybe this green is normal in all snows when they're young and only some retain it. Anyway regardless, yours is some sharp.
Congrats on the nice snake,

11-22-02, 09:51 PM
What is the difference between a green snow and a bubblegum corn?

Very beautiful colors, btw.

11-23-02, 11:34 AM
Simon....the mother was a snow and the father was a red albino..if that helps any...bred by the gillards :)

11-23-02, 11:47 AM
Very nice.