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11-20-02, 04:07 PM
My friend after begging and pleading with her parents got a new year old BP a few weeks ago. At first I thought it seemed to be on the slim side and I told her she should have gone to a breeder but she said that he was fine. And I soon thought so my self, he(?) was eating regularly and gaining a little bit of weight.

But then today at school she told me that last night her BP had thrown up, now his last meal was almost 10 days ago so there wasn’t much to throw up. I went over to her house after school and she showed me the soiled newspaper, it was really, really smelly and gross, kind of light brown dirty water. It appeared he’d also gone for a bowel movement and shed the very same night.

What do you think is wrong with her snake? Her nets down right no so I’m asking for her, I’m also freaking out because she’s handled my snakes as well, I always made her was her hands and arms before handling them, but what about her clothes and stuff, I’m worried for my snakes (I don’t let her handle them now and I’ve never touched her bp). I know BP’s some times bring up their meals when temp is wrong or over handling but what else could cause this? Please any suggestions would be great I’ve called my vet for her but he can’t see her till Monday and I’d really like to now what you all think it could be.

Corey Woods
11-20-02, 06:16 PM
There are a number of factors that could cause a snake to throw up. Stress could be a factor such as improper temps as well as too much handling. A meal that is too large could also cause a snake to puke as well.

However, if the snake puked 10 days after eating I would say it was most likely caused by a stomach parasite. The parasite I'd be most concerned with would be Giardia which is treatable with the standard dosage of Flagyl.


11-20-02, 08:09 PM
Did she actually see the snake regurg... or is shw assuming that becuase there was feces in the cage that the other spot was regurg?

11-20-02, 08:54 PM
yes she did see the snake gag and then relase the smelly brownish stuff.

thank you Cory I to thought it was parasites having delt with them before.
