View Full Version : water monitor

03-28-05, 08:49 PM
what a good type of water monitor to get

03-28-05, 10:03 PM
for you? A photo of one.

Everything that everyone said about you getting a croc monitor applies to you getting a water monitor. Wait until you are older, more experienced and independant (ie not living at home). They get huge and require huge amounts of space and food.

03-28-05, 10:10 PM
have you thought about an ackie?, i noticed it says you have a savanah. Isnt one monitor enough? and like crocdoc said a water monitor is too much for a beginner.

03-28-05, 11:07 PM
I doubt you even realize just how strong a large monitor is.
My blackthroat is just over 4 feet and is more than a handful.
Imagine a 6 feet or bigger beast getting scared , feel threatened, or aggravated.
I won't allow anyone in the room when I open Fluffy's cage since the charging started. He feels more secure in his new cage and only threatens now, but the risk is still there.
When your sav is full grown, you will know a small fraction of what a large strength is like.
