View Full Version : First Snake

03-28-05, 08:51 AM
I just got my very first knigsnake yesterday and am really excited, it's a Banana Cali, i call him Zeus. I was wondering if anyone could give me some hints about what to do and what not to do. He's really nice and doesn't mind being picked up at all, and only bit me once, lol. Its about 1.5 feet long, so how old would that make her, i'm geussing about 1-2 years? Also, i'm having some trouble keeping the temp. in her cage high enough with just a light and a pad, any sugestions, it goes up to about 80, but then down to about 63 at night, is that too low. My snake also somtime burries under his beding and stays there for extented periods of time, is this normal/healthy. And finally, how often should i expect the snake to stay in his hide box? Thanks very much in advance for the respnces.

03-28-05, 10:25 AM
Congratulations on your new snake. By the size, i am guessing that she came from a clutch last season...Zeus might be about 9 months old. As for the temperature(63 is too cool !)...it is best to not let it fluctuate too much. It is best to keep one end of your enclosure at about 75 and the other end at about 85. This may or may not be easy to accomplish depending on the size of the enclosure.
You may also have problems if the ambiant temperature outside of the enclosure is too cool. In other words it would be easier to regulate the temp inside if you keep the tank in a warm room or at least one that doesn't see large fluctuations in the room temp. As for the burrowing under the substrate. I am surprised that it would do that if you are providing a hide, but maybe it just doesn't like the hide..... maybe try a different hide.
If you have any more questions, don't be afraid to ask.
If you scour the forums, you will find lots of useful information, and chances are good that you will find some info on what you need to know....
Hope i've been of some help

03-28-05, 08:24 PM
Here are some pics!!!

First is Zeus's home, i'll be rearraging and adding new things soon!
Next is Zeus spreed out so we can see how long he is!!
These two give you an idea of how his paterens look!!

Oh, i put some tin foil on the top of his cage, and now the temp is about 83, got up to 95 before i reagusted it, but i was holding zeus so he didn't bake.

03-28-05, 10:15 PM
I also have a banana cali. They are so cute. She looks a lot like yours. :)

Mine also hides in the substrate and sometimes in her box. Kings are nocturnal so he may stay hidden all day and only come out at night, while you sleep. This is normal. Give him time to get used to his new home, he will come out more ofter in a while.

For the heating problem, if it is still too cold at night, get a night light (blue or red) low wattage (lower than your day light).

Have fun with him!

03-28-05, 10:22 PM
Actually, i put some tin foil on top of the cage and the heat is fine now, really keeps it in. Now that the temperature is higher, Zeus won't stop playing around, even in the day! He climbs he branchs and digs holes, but now he doesn't stay in them. I think i will buy a red light, great idea.

03-29-05, 12:55 AM
You have a great looking snake, keep listening to all the great advice and he will do just fine, Oh and be careful, this becomes a very addictive hobby. HAVE FUN!!!!

03-31-05, 06:35 PM
I fed him last night for the first time, 2 large pinkys. I was wondering if it is normal for my snake to be less active the day after a feed, and if so, how long should it last?
Thanks a lot, Daniel!

04-06-05, 03:37 PM
Hiya - I'm quite a newbie myself. I have a milk and a cali king. Both my snakes prefer the hides that are dome like rather than bridge like and when I provided these they stopped burrowing.

Both snakes also use a shedding box, a basic plastic box with a lid, and a hole cut in to allow the snake in and out, half full of damp moss. I provide it when the snakes look dull and are about to go into shed. (esp obvious at the eyes which look blueish).

They do go quiet after eating, usually lying in the hide at the warm end for a couple of days. You need to give them about three days after feeding with no handling while they digest their meal (though if you feed outsside the cage you can gently transfer them back)

you've chosen a great snake to start with - I hope you have fun