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11-20-02, 02:28 AM
For all you BP lovers out there. Jeff is'nt the only addict...lol I too buy pretty much every BP I see. I currently own almost 40 of them(only 3 of which are males). Here are just a select few.

These are the 7 babies I just bought from a friend of mine, Shawn Gray@SunbakedSerpents. They are exceptional little babies. All feeding and are all CBB!!. There are 1.6 of them and they are all future breeders/pets.


Here is my un-proven(will prove her out this year) Chocolate Hypo. She is currently 1950 grams.


Heres one of my pretty 2002 girls. She is about 320 grams right now.

Here is one of my really nice yearlings. She is already over 1000 grams and has NOT been powerfed. I think she'll just be a big gal!


Here is another nice yearling. She has white outlining all of her pattern. She is really neat-o!


Here is my 100% het for albino female. She is really aws dark as she looks. A very pretty girl. She is currently 2022 grams and layed a clutch for me last season.

Heres my adult het for albino male. He is proven for the last two years and is now just kept for a pet. I think he has a cool pattern.

and the last one for this post, my albino male. He weighs in at 425 grams and will hopefully be ready for the 8-10 girls I have ready and waiting for him later this year! {fingers crossed}

I hope I didnt bore you all too much, but at least I didnt post all 40 of them, right??

11-20-02, 02:37 AM
Wow Kolleen, those are some beautiful snakes you have there. Can't wait to see what you end up with at the end of the season :) Umm incase you didnt know, My name is Matt and I too am addicted to BPs, although i dont have 40, my collection has to stop growing.. I cant help but buy one when i see it.. Good luck with your projects and keep us updated!!

11-20-02, 03:47 AM
That monster hypo kicks but!!!! It better prove out!! You must be so excited. I know I am and they aren't even my snakes! LOL!


11-20-02, 06:35 AM
Great looking snakes!

11-20-02, 08:43 AM
Awesome! That chocolate one is pretty sweet too, never seen that colour before

11-20-02, 09:42 AM
Wow, 40 bp's and they all look so nice! Good luck with your many, many projects;)

Big Mike
11-20-02, 09:50 AM
Nice, very nice...I want 40 BPs :)

11-20-02, 12:18 PM
Wow Kolleen -- simply awesome :) How do you do it though?? Holy crap, 40 snakes... LOL :)

I definitely think that you should send one to me -- you know, just make it easier for you to care for everyone ;) I'd ask for the albino, but no luck there I'm sure... LOL :D I REALLY like that banded baby in the first pic -- he/she is my favourite :) She's the one with her head at the bottom of the pic on the left, and she's the second underneath the top one in that pile... hehe... You should definitely send her to live with me ;)

11-20-02, 05:04 PM
Wow, 40 BPs. you must be feeding all week!

11-20-02, 06:22 PM
wow your so lucky. i have only 1.1 bp's but i really want more : )

11-20-02, 09:16 PM
Ok Mike, you gotta change that avatar. Als all the way man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-20-02, 09:27 PM
lol.. uhhh.. i only gots 4!

11-21-02, 12:51 AM
hehehe...ummm....I have 40 BP's....that doesnt count my other 25+ snakes(mostly my large constrictors)...LOL
Everyone gets fed once a week, and if they refuse or are in shed, they simply have to wait till the next week. Pretty much all of them stay on schedule, except for winter*sigh*...pain in the butt!!

I sure hope to prove out the chocolate gal, weather it be co-dom or simple recessive, ill prove her out one way or another.

Happy Herping everyone!

Nikki Gervais
11-21-02, 06:55 AM
Wow 40 bps, I have 4 normals currently, some with beautiful lateral orange pastel highlights and others with minimal black spots and others with beautiful dorsal bands. :) Yours are absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to get some blushing and het albino balls next spring/summer. :) :D