View Full Version : Quick Question

11-19-02, 08:09 PM

I have gained quit a bit of knowledge since I joined however
I cant seem to find any info on some of the herp lingo...
such as;
What is all the 1.2, .2.0 infront of the type of snake mean

and what does het mean

any other acronyms/short forms would be helpfull aswell


P.S. As per thread below last show I bought a veiled chameleon for my wife and another leopard gecko for one of my kids this show a bought a Boa (B.B.C. ?) for myself.

I am looking forward to less questions and more participation as soon as I get the hang of this.

I also learned how to post- some of my pets are in the gallery

11-19-02, 08:53 PM
Dont worry it does get really confusing the first # is male and the second # is female. Say I had 2 male snakes and 1 female snake I would do this 2.1 snake.
Het means the herp has the genetics for a type of morph
eg albino or snow.
Other lingo well I dunno I just go with the flow lol.

11-19-02, 09:03 PM
Oh, and if you see 1.2.1, the third number means "un-sexed".

And as far as other lingo goes, if YOU are wondering, I guarantee that many others are too, so don't be afraid to ask. We've all been there;)

How are the new herps doing?

11-19-02, 09:10 PM
awesome, I was always wondering what that stuff meant!!!

11-20-02, 01:52 PM
Thanks...the new herps are all doing well, although it is at times a bit nerve racking "Training" the new baby boa with his hissie fits and all.

I am looking forward to moving next month and setting up everything anew
and perhaps looking into some breeding...Geckos first