View Full Version : Carpets illegal in Winnipeg?

03-23-05, 05:37 PM
Hey all fellow Morelia-loving Winnipeggers....

I'm just trying to clear up some confusion on my part, regarding The City Of Winnipeg Exotic Animal By-Law #3389/83 (see here (http://www.winnipeg.ca/clerks/pdfs/bylaws/3389.83.pdf) I hope that worked...)

It lists "Diamond or Carpet - Morelia argus Pythons" as illegal inside wpg. However I know some of you keep carpets (Tim C. for example), and a Google search of this scientific name came up with articles saying 'Morelia argus' is not a valid scientific name...

Does anybody know what's up with this? Is it just illegal to keep Diamonds?


03-23-05, 05:49 PM
The By-Law states "Morelia argus python" as being illegal. I don't keep those. ;)

03-23-05, 05:54 PM
LOL! Way to bait the guy out... :P

03-23-05, 05:59 PM
What exactly do you mean, "gino"?

03-23-05, 06:07 PM
Tim - that's exactly what I was thinking....!

Do you have any IJ babies yet?

03-23-05, 06:08 PM
Must have been a huge misunderstanding.

However I know some of you keep carpets (Tim C. for example),

I was referring to that, in a joking manner.

03-23-05, 06:08 PM
Rob, email me and we'll talk. I don't really post here anymore but made this exception because my name was brought up.

