View Full Version : Beardie Leash

03-22-05, 09:43 PM
Does anyone here walk their beardie on a leash?

I have seen people at reptile shows with their beardies on leashes and I just curious if anyone has any pics, recommendations, suggestions, etc. about how to do this, things to watch out for, etc.


03-23-05, 12:25 PM
wow. good question.. id like to do that

03-23-05, 01:33 PM
Thanks :)

I have seen some lizard leashes around but I can't remember where and I am not sure who the makers are. I am hoping someone will be able to recommend a brand or how to make one.

I also think it would be cool if there was some type of device you could strap over your shoudler to carry your lizard close to your chest. I think you could do it with a tegu, beardie, etc.

I am sure you would get lots of strange looks and comments but it would be cool to take your lizard out for some sun...

03-23-05, 02:40 PM
I have never found the need for a leash unless it is a young BD that is skittish. Try walking around the house with him to get him accustom to being on your shoulder.


03-23-05, 02:58 PM
well i leash would allow you to let them roam outside without the need of a outdoor cage..

03-23-05, 03:01 PM

heres a template

and heres a pic of a hip leash.. i found the link on a BD link site


and one more site.. on the right theres a pic...


03-23-05, 05:15 PM
try this link, follow the "harness" link on the left hand side


03-23-05, 05:25 PM
I don't know if I would necessarily condone the use of a leash with bearded dragons, I don't know how comfortable this could possibly be for them.

03-23-05, 06:15 PM
it goes around there legs and it really doesnt seem to bother them.. and if you think about it how natural was it to put a saddle on a horse or a collar on a dog..

03-23-05, 07:16 PM
dont have it any more, but i once made one for a Frilly.
Used a lamb skin driving glove, and put the holes so that all 4 legs went through, and his stomach supported.
It velcro'd shut, and I riveted a ring for the leash in the center.
Wish i had a pic, cus it actually worked well once he accepted it, and didnt look half bad either.

03-23-05, 09:26 PM
Awesome!! The hip leash is interesting. I have never seen one of those before. I think I like the harness concept or neck leash better. Thanks for the ideas and links!!!

03-23-05, 09:34 PM
ive used a leash before, i dont recomend the t-rex ones, there way to expencive and my beardie slipped out really easy. theres a pic of him in my portfolio, if you want to look

03-25-05, 02:15 PM
I have 2 leashes one for each of my beardies. I wouldn't be able to take them out to "roam" in the back yard without one. These guys can run pretty fast if they wanted to. I bought mine at petsmart and they are the medium size. I've had them for about 3 years now and have never had a problem. I believe they know when they see their leash they know it's time to go outside.It's kinda wiered they both immediatly freeze when they see the leash and allow me to put it on with very little effort but man once it's attached fully they go crazy (ready to run around). They love thier outdoor time and i'm glad i didn't have to build a cage to allow them to do that.

Here's some pics of my male outside. You can see the leash in the pics.


