View Full Version : Best book?

11-19-02, 04:35 PM
Is there a really good book that goes into detail on breeding snakes?

I'm making my Christmas list...;)

Bryan Self
11-19-02, 05:49 PM
Well this one is a must have.
The reproductive husbandry of pythons and boas
Good Luck

11-19-02, 07:30 PM
The Atlas of Snakes of the World

This book has EVERY DAMN SPECIES.. in full color and detail... although the book is like 300$ it is well worth the money... if you order from the states you can get it for aorund 90$ american but you wont be sorry you bought this... it is truly incredible...

11-19-02, 10:59 PM
Depending on what group, there's a lot out there. Examples for for common ssp.: KEEPING and BREEDING SNAKES (Mattison),BREEDING and KEEPING SNAKES (Schmidt), KINGSNAKES and MILKSNAKES (Markel), THE CORN SNAKE MANUAL (Love). Bob Applegate wrote one on milksnakes. Most breeders here will gladly help too. REPTILES magazine is helpful also.

11-20-02, 12:16 AM
Mark, I have the Applegate book and have printed a bunch of his articles. They are excellent.

I also have the Markel book. I've been looking for the Cathy Love book, but can't find it in town here.

I'll check out all of the books you guys have listed. Thanks for the tips....