View Full Version : MOHAWK BOAS - any information?

03-21-05, 08:40 PM

Just recently saw a for sale post at the "not sure I can say other forum" - queensnake.

The advertisement is from Germany selling MOHAWK boas, what is said so far is the litter consisted of a few look-a-like Motleys and Salmons. Alot of them looked like this photo by MFN.

Trying a few searches on this line or history on them, anyone have anything on this - history, lineage, evolved projects, or anything?


03-22-05, 02:26 PM
wow! that's really great looking.

03-22-05, 08:26 PM
Very neat, I have never heard or seen of them before your post, although I will say they look nothing like a motley to me, aside from maybe the sides. By the way, I think you can say Kingsnake now, so lets see: www.kingsnake.com

03-23-05, 07:28 AM
Looks like a Hog Island Boa Colombian cross to me.

03-24-05, 10:07 PM
I do not know much about this boa however looks to me like hog island cross with guyana i say hog by the way the sides look and say guyana by the way the tail looks i could be wrong if anyone ever finds out exactly what it is let me know.

03-24-05, 10:42 PM
It kind of looks like the pink patternless that diablodrangon posted about a month ago..


03-25-05, 01:59 PM
So far this is what I got.

I contacted the breeder about those boas. They came from two normal, high pink boas. The breeder is not a big breeder and even sold half of that same litter to a local pet shop. The breeder had no idea what was produced. Several U.S. breeders/importers inquired about these animals. The breeder even wrote, "I had no idea I could get so much money for boas." So that's the scoop.

Phil Goss

I had contacted the breeder to find out information about the boas and it seems the person does not know genetics. He claims they are completely dominant and NOT co-dominant, but states that the parents are normal.