View Full Version : Complaints about ssnakess.com

03-19-05, 01:47 PM
Well here you go guys. Now you have a thread where you can let it all out. ( within reason )

03-19-05, 01:55 PM
We asked for an apology or for someone to be straight with us.

In return you deleted all the posts that might be hurtful, and created this thread instead. Very classy Jeff.

I hope someone starts on on Fauna, they can't delete what's been said over there.

While on as ssnakess.com - you might want to check your pm's, apparently a lot of people have been trying to get a hold of you for a long time.


03-19-05, 01:57 PM
This would have come in handy before you started deleting and banning left, right and center.

03-19-05, 02:03 PM
Actually I am Alien Regalis. Now let me be clear, I am not the owner and I am not Jeff ********. I have banned not one person nor have I removed any moderators. Today is the first time I have really used this name. I was asked to be a moderator here and to help out.

Many of you have valid complaints and you may express them here. I have tried to help out today by doing what I can. I have removed Ryans advertisments as he requested and did a light update to the front page.

03-19-05, 02:07 PM
What is going to be done about the money that is owed to people?

Who did all the banning and removing posts that were made?

Why were none of them ever answered to, deleted, and then this thread made?

Who bought ssnakess.com and when did they buy it?

just a start...

03-19-05, 02:12 PM
To the best of what I know:

I know of no money owed to anyone. I would like to know what is owed, why its owed.

Who banned anyone I cannot say for sure. I was alerted to the mess here yesterday morning.

ssnakess.com was purchased a few months ago from Iguana Depot I guess. I help moderate a few forums that are ran by them.

03-19-05, 02:16 PM
Thank you very much Alien.

Some people paid for advertising they never got. Is there someone they should contact to receive re-imbursment?

Is Iguana Depot a division of Flukers? Who runs Iguana Depot?


Son of Creature
03-19-05, 02:16 PM
Being the previous thread was deleted as being off topic I will repost my comment, whoever the lack of context from that series of posts makes the post less clear, and my post of the neglegence of the previous ownership was deleted as well.

Does being a member of an internet forum give you the right to demand he spill all his personal private matters to you?

If he is a finacial sponsor with his product advertised on the site then the answer is unequivocally yes, it does, as it pertains to this site. And apparently it matters to a number of other members who do not wish to be associated with Flukers. In fact they could likely sue about the lack of disclosure if they financial restitution isn't made and their adds removed when requested. Like the SCALES Zoo add, which remains on the front page after it was requested to be removed because he did not want his product associated with Flukers, and might have contractual obligations to Midwest, which this site's lack of openness may jeopardise.

It does make it his right!

Edit: there is contractual law and the rights of the paid advertisers which were ignored when Jeff sold the site, there is no denying that. If someone was so inclined this site could be locked up as evidence and shut down over that.

03-19-05, 02:20 PM
Can you tell us who has been deleting posts today then? They were deleted literally minutes before you started this thread, I know they weren't deleted by the thread creator as HeatherRose(current or ex-moderator, not too sure) herself asked why they had been removed.

Much of the talk about money being owed was contained in those posts and now they are gone.

03-19-05, 02:21 PM
What is going to be done about money owed to members? YES money is owed to one member for SURE and I have heard of others.

Why were posts REMOVED, DELETED and people banned without three warnings? Is the TOS changed now?

Why is the new admin making Jeff and other people look so bad by not handling HIS business? (I am sure some have their own personal grievances with Jeff but I have a big problem with the new admin not taking responsibility for their part, which is a big one)

Why are mods being removed? Matt (hot snake owner) Matt said he didn't ask for it but it was gone.

Why was the name ******************* bleeped out? Common pratice is to simply move posts pointing to another forum into the bad threads catagory and pm that member. Why are those rules not being followed? Since I became a mod, we tell members that queensnakes name is simply bleeped out because they bleeped out ssnakess.com....I guess that's not true now either??? I am confused.

Why didn't the new admin be honest from day one?

And why would you have any answers for us if you ARE NOT THE ADMIN? Alien I have NOTHING against you, but you simply cannot possible tell us all these answers. Yesterday in PUBLIC it was said the admin is back and cleaning up the site. You will have less answers to these questions than I did as a mod.

I am NOT coming down on you at all, in fact the opposite. :D You were the only one who tried to help the mods at all, ever. There is no point in trying to fix anything if the website is exactly where it was before. With no administration giving 100% true answers and knowing whats going on. It's pointless. I mean really, already you don't have answers, you don't know about these issues people are bringing up. It's as difficult for you now as it was for the mods before. Pointless.


Son of Creature
03-19-05, 02:23 PM
I would like to know what is owed, why its owed.

Any advertiser which has not been notified to the change in ownership should be entitled to reimbursement of the portion of advertising left undercontract if they wish to have their ads removed. Additionally any advertisers or persons who have given monies to ssnakesss.com under the pretense of the site being the domain of the previous owner and have not yet recieved services, should be notified, and have their monies returned to them if they do not wish to further persue said services.

Any advertiser or persons to whom this applies should also considder contacting legal council on these matters if they wish to persue them or form a class action suit if the previous and or current ownership does not reply in a timely manner as of this juncture. As this does not apply to mysef, just to personal friends and aquaintances I will not be doing so so please do not contact me.

Gary D.

Edit: this should not be considered legal advice

03-19-05, 02:28 PM
Untill the time when the paypal button was switched to iguanadepot a few days ago all money was sent to the original paypal account? This is something I will look into.

Now I will tell what I know of Iguana Depot. I know that its not an actual company but a name. I am told that contrary to popular belief its not actually a division of Fluker Labs *cough* overpriced crap *cough*

03-19-05, 02:28 PM
I know they weren't deleted by the thread creator as HeatherRose(current or ex-moderator, not too sure) herself asked why they had been removed.

I am currently awaiting de-moderatorization. I cannot be a part of something that has people being banned and erased just because.

In retrospect I should probably not have started that thread, but someone would have eventually anyway. I am extremely close friends with a few of the moderators who have left, and so my thread was not meant to get 'back' at anyone in any way.

I know that it is not Alien who is doing this banning/deleting, and as far as I know he doesn't know how to unmod.


03-19-05, 02:33 PM
wow..some posts are getting mixed up?

03-19-05, 02:35 PM
Alien, this honesty is a breath of fresh air.

You don't know who owns the site or who you are working for?

Who are you being a mod for? Who asked you to become a mod?

What else does Iguanadepot own? Is the owner's name Howard Chan?


03-19-05, 02:36 PM
Marisa I dont think anyone noticed but I took kingsnake off the censor list a long time ago.

Marisa I guess I am the new admin? I will try to answer any questions that I know the answers to but I dont know them all. I cannot explain recent bannings, deletions and so on but Im sure there is a valid reason that will come to light soon. My hope is that I can help keep ssnakess.com together and help keep it the great site that it is. This forum really has a wealth of information and great people.

03-19-05, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by selacs
Alien, this honesty is a breath of fresh air.

You don't know who owns the site or who you are working for?

Who are you being a mod for? Who asked you to become a mod?

What else does Iguanadepot own? Is the owner's name Howard Chan?


I read the same information on the internet as you. Ive been moderating forums and the chat room for a year now. Im an out of work computer tech and I needed something to do. The opportunity to moderate the chat room and a few forums was just perfect for me as I am an avid herpetoculturist.

I dont actually work for anyone but I have a great love for the hobby. All of my time is free. The admin on ReptiForum asked me to mod here and on another forum long ago. I am pretty damn sure the owners name is NOT Howard Chan.

03-19-05, 02:50 PM
Marisa I guess I am the new admin? I will try to answer any questions that I know the answers to but I dont know them all. I cannot explain recent bannings, deletions and so on but Im sure there is a valid reason that will come to light soon. My hope is that I can help keep ssnakess.com together and help keep it the great site that it is. This forum really has a wealth of information and great people.

This is where I am confused, how do you not know what position you are on this site, if you have obtained the account sSnakeSs.com, Jeff Stringers old account which in a previous post he stated was deleted and thats why he was posting under his wifes account?

What is there to say about a site where the person who 'guesses' he is the new admin has no control over anything, where people he is not aware of are banning others and deleting posts?

Untill the time when the paypal button was switched to iguanadepot a few days ago all money was sent to the original paypal account? This is something I will look into.

A few days ago? Maybe I am mistaken, but a few days ago was the date where Ryan at Scales Zoo posted that he had become aware of this. I might be mistaken, but I am pretty sure there was another individual who said he noticed this quite a while ago. And even so, if the donations were still going into the original paypal account, why is someone who has nothing to do with the site receiving money on behalf of the site, money that is intended to go towards improving the site?

This just all seems WAY to... weird... to me.

03-19-05, 02:50 PM
I really am glad that you are making the effort that you are here but I can't help but be disturbed by the unexplained moves being made. Obviously there is someone who is banning and deleting with no regard to the sites TOS and I can't help but find that innappropriate.

03-19-05, 02:51 PM
Buisness is supposed to be done with all the info!

You don't just give the site to whomever, you dont even know the background and the OWNER!?!?!?! What is this S H I T?

03-19-05, 02:52 PM
One more thing that people are being banned and no one knows who it is or they are not telling who and why is totally stupid

03-19-05, 02:56 PM
Corn Snake91,

Cussing and bieng unreasonable are not going to get you anywhere. I took over moderating another website and did a great job so I was asked to come here for awhile. Now that everything has blown up fire is directed at me. I guess in all fairness it has to go somewhere. I was given the password to this name by the owner who goes by Admin at ReptiForum.com. While I may be in agreeance with many valid compliants, untill I find out more info my hands are tied. Everything will be delt with in a prompt and respectful manner.

03-19-05, 02:59 PM
So the owner gives you the password to his account for YOU to deal with it? Thats really nice of him

03-19-05, 02:59 PM
LOL I asked for it. I want very much to help out here and see ssnakess.com stay a great place to come for information and friends.

03-19-05, 02:59 PM
Alien, if you could address my post it would be greatly appreciated. If you have contact with the admin, why is he not here explaining the situation? A public promise was made to the members of this site that it would be upkept and the like, yet the only authorative figure knows nothing of the situation at hand?

03-19-05, 03:01 PM
Maybe I should of said it like that :p

03-19-05, 03:04 PM
As far as I know the "owner" has never posted. I am here to field questions and answer them to the best of my abilities, here to update the site and here to help people and moderate the site to the best of my abilitys. This I will do and will do it to the best I can. I think some things only Jeff can answer.

Son of Creature
03-19-05, 03:07 PM
Alien, you so far are the only person willing to address these issues and I commend you for that. Ihope you are able to get the answers and to the bottom of the issues regarding the deleting and other TOS issues, *** well as advertisers financial complaints. But until you do or someone else comes forth, this is still lip service.

Best of luck.
Gary D.

03-19-05, 03:23 PM
I have one question to ask Jeff and Alien Regalis how do we know who we are talking to if you both post under the same webmaster acount???

I just think it,s a little confusing for some is all lol


03-19-05 03:07 PM

Registered: Feb-2002 - Location: sSNAKESs.com - Posts: 3636



You have a voice, express your dislikes and likes. I do ask that its done on the other thread. I would really like to see this one stay positive. By the way yes my name is Jeff.

Advertising Rates
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03-19-05, 03:23 PM
I will post here then Jeff

I prepaid for site hosting that stopped working over a month ago and I had to then find a new host and move my site it was down for over 2 weeks. I have moved now but it still will not work as I left my old site in tact.

"noone is owed anything financially period"

"If a advertiser did no recieve thier advertisement that they paid for please post here" Well it wasn't an advertisment but I did pay for something that I didn't get.

I would like a responce to this posted.


I can validate all of this if you want me to PM me I will give you my past correspondance and copies of cheques.

Manitoban Herps
03-19-05, 03:27 PM
sSNAKESs.com is dieing, someone put it out of its misery.

03-19-05, 03:29 PM
This place has been great bad bad it sold.
Then again how long did we think a canadian site this good would last?

03-19-05, 03:33 PM
David, obviously you have some unresolved issues that you would like to work out with me. I will come to the next show and we can work them out in person as this email tag thing doesnt seem to be working and is a waste of time. I dont control the admin name it was given to the owner when he bought the site. If the owner wants to tell people who he is fine, thats not my place to do so.

Jeff, as I am sure you noticed I am trying to approach this civilly, and like many others, I am just looking for answers. As of this moment, I do not intend on leaving the site - I am just looking for answers. Jeff, I have sen't you an e-mail and if you could address that, it would be greatly appreciated.

Honduranfreekk, amongst the confusion, I believe this will clarify some of it, this is from my perspective anyhow. Both Alien_Regalis and Jeff ******** both have the first name Jeff. Jeff ******** has been posting on the accounts 'Jeff' and 'Laurynn' where Jeff, the new... admin? ... is posting under Alien Regalis and now sSnakeSs.com.

Gregg M
03-19-05, 03:36 PM
All I want to know is why everone thinks they need or deserve an opology..... The owner of this site made a buisiness move and it is his personal buisiness...... No one but him and the buyer needs to know a thing about it...... Everyone thinks someone owes them something..... The truth is no one owes anyone who posts here on this forum, an explanation for their personal buisiness move...... Just drop it already...... No one owes you anything.... I can understand why the site supporters might be alarmed to all this because of the funds but anyone else needs to sit back and relax.....

Tim and Julie B
03-19-05, 03:36 PM
Ok so it is not owned by a company that has affiliation to Flukers so all this BS could have been avoided???? I pretty much made my statment on the other thread.


03-19-05, 03:38 PM
Jeff I was not mad about the money just mad cuz I couldn't contact anybody and people seem to think everything was fine and it was not.

Charle s

03-19-05, 03:43 PM
Dave i see you are on line so shot me an email we need to get this finished strictlyexoticreptiles@yahoo.ca

Tim and Julie B
03-19-05, 04:12 PM
Jeff I noticed your email addy are you rollin on at least twenties. I love Dubs, I am obsesed as well. Off topic I know but have you ever seen floaters?

Edit *Sorry nevermind I know you are busy, just ignore.

03-19-05, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Gregg M
All I want to know is why everone thinks they need or deserve an opology..... The owner of this site made a buisiness move and it is his personal buisiness...... No one but him and the buyer needs to know a thing about it...... Everyone thinks someone owes them something..... The truth is no one owes anyone who posts here on this forum, an explanation for their personal buisiness move...... Just drop it already...... No one owes you anything.... I can understand why the site supporters might be alarmed to all this because of the funds but anyone else needs to sit back and relax.....

I agree with Greg, this may be a fire but does everyone have to bring marshmellows.


03-19-05, 04:33 PM
All I can say Jeff...is enjoy your future endeavors. I hope this was (mostly) was fun while it lasted. I get why you did what you did, but I have to admit I'm thrilled Shane still owns ATA.

03-19-05, 04:33 PM

Sweet ride, did you ever see my thread on tuners?


Lets ditch this and cruise down the autobahn for kicks, lol.

Son of Creature
03-19-05, 04:38 PM
Gary, no one is owed anything financially period.

There seem to be a number of people who disagree with you on that.
If advertisment space was paid for in terms of a period of time, the right to discontinue that advertisment with the new owner is the is the discression of that advertiser, and would be entitled to be reimbursed for the unused portion of the contracted time.

If a advertiser did no recieve thier advertisement that they paid for please post here.

Yes that would be best

I dont want to hear people speaking on others behalf.

Well I am being more civil and professional than some who appreciate my speaking on their behalf, but so be it, with this thread available I agree it is best for anyone with a claim or dispute to bring it up personally here. Thus I will indeed step away from the platform.

Please post up.

'nuf said

03-19-05, 04:44 PM

Damn only a few thing in life make me go swingggggggggg.

The girls, the boa constrictors and pythons and souped up rides and the toys they breathe from.

I' m still playing around with a paint scene I want on the car but the toys and mechanics I understand well with my little club of tuner friends. I still want to mod it Euro like and I am learning more on body work and tricks to spice the ride.

03-19-05, 05:08 PM

My summer ride is a revamped Stealth / 3000gt, took some time to put together and sparkle it up :D


Just sucks with cold bad winters here it stays garaged for summer only, but it gains as well low Km' s and glows in the summer, still has much of the new car smell. Just need to fine tune some Euro looks I want, tint it up, and get a sound system I can finally enjoy past the factory stuff. It totally runs off most GReedy components.

But winter is fun too with 2 4x4s, though I really don' t off road. Its still fun to be higher on the road and much fun to cruise threw a snow drift why others slow down and choose other routes, lol.


Gregg M
03-19-05, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Jeff
Advertisers and photo account holder are all still continuing to recieve what they paid for aswell.. Nowone is out anything except me when I cut my losses.

Well that says it all right there...... If someone chooses not to continue their advertizement then it is their loss, not yours......
Jeff, good luck with everything you do and thanks for providing us with this site...... This was and still is a great place to hang......

Tim and Julie B
03-19-05, 05:58 PM
Actually I used to own a 66 Carmen Ghia along time ago. Wish I still did . I used to be really in to VW's I backseated the car hobby now that I don't make anywhere near the $ I used to. I mean for god's sake I have owned a 65' AMC Rambler ( I decided I wanted a lowrider :D) for three years and haven't touched it. 3 years ago it would have been done.
I got drive a Jetta a few months back they are a really nice car. I was surprised.

03-19-05, 06:00 PM

For years before they made the first I was reading up on the new Talons and Stealths in 87 and 88. Then more news came in 89 production was going to start in 90. I still have those old magazines with proto type looks where both were going to have the Ferrari Tessarossa side door cuts but less expensive looks.

Then once the 90s look came out I was happy but since it was new thought wait a year or 2 to see the kinks get out. Talons were my first choice due to price over the Stealth - (Talons at 19 - 29K and Stealth at 28 - 43K) made a huge difference in the wallet. The good thing on the wait was Talons had trouble with Turbos mostly in cold weather and the chip set was freaky for some.

So then in 92 picked up my Talon Tsi AWD, babied it for 4 years and 52 Km and went on with souping it up and raised the 192 hp to 265 hp, 2 Turbos fried but after I got things fine and smooth, mostly on HKS components, did not do much body wise but loved to creep up on the Fords and let them look at the rear lights for long stretchs. But my passion was to get a Stealth. Many came up here and there but price was high or I knew they would bust soon from heavy riders and so many Stealths were just killed in early years.

Then life and all its hassles strained the eye from looking to far in these machines but a deal came up and I could not walk from it. A buddy found 2 and a 300Z that as a group of friends wanted so bad. We jumped and had them in weeks and after a few years we don' t regret this day for 1 bit.

When it came it had a passenger door caved in but overall everything was still perfect and only 6 Km on it so how could I refuse that. With its 320 hp AWD and loaded that was the cream of the crop for me. Now at 410 hp, this machine keeps me rather civil on the road even though there are alot of wish happy lets drag now people out there it takes the big guns to even tease me enough to try. I got one with a 97 Viper who I want bad but think in long run will beat me. It ain' t stock no more but we both do the cruise together and people wait on the day we both rip the road.


04-10-05, 03:10 PM
can i just say
i helped run a forum not so long ago
and not this type but admin could see who and why someone deleted posts or members for that matter
but this wasnt a vbull board so i cant be to sure
and if someone did pay for addy space before the new admin tuck over the board well it is not really right to blame the new owner
most of the boards ive worked for only let smods or admin delete ppl but every mod can delete or move posts in there parts of the forum to the bin or completly delete the post

but like i say this wasnt a vbull board
sorry if in some way this rocks the boat as this is only my 3 post and i dont know the history of the forum and the take over
