View Full Version : Colour Changes In Neonate Bloods?

03-19-05, 10:33 AM
Now I have been doing some reading and I want to know how drastic the colour change can be in neonate bloods?

The reason I as is I am looking a buying a pair for my self but I want some killer ones. I was looking at Henry P's website and he has a few for sale now they are listed as red bloods but they are more of a yellowy orange (I am aware that brongersmai can be a number of differentcolour types), now my questoin is will they stay pretty much that colour or will they redden up as they grow older?

I was also gonna ask to see the parents cuz I am assuming that that is also a good indicator of adult colour.

kevin marter
03-19-05, 12:31 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/marter/nicemale04outofegg.jpgThis is a pic of one of my hatchlings from last July, right out of the egg.

kevin marter
03-19-05, 12:34 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/marter/nice04male.jpgHere is a pic of the same animal,6 months later. This guy is from very nice RED parents, so yes I would ask to see pics of the parents before you buy.

03-20-05, 01:31 AM
Wow...killer colour change~! That is crazy~!

03-20-05, 01:57 AM
Kevin, that is sweet man! I've got a female going that direction, so hopefully it goes red for me.

Yeah, definetly ask to see the adults. Henry's animals are pretty good from what I have seen, but IMO there are many places to get ones with good color. Some people that should have bloods this year in Canada are:

-Henry Piorun
-Corey Woods
-Herpers2(on this site)
-Cha*se(on this site...im not sure where the asterix goes)

These are the people I can think of that should have captive bred bloods. I know I missed some. But before you buy, check-up on the person.


03-21-05, 12:28 PM
Hey Kevin,
That is a great example of the color change that these guys can undergo, in such a short time.

03-22-05, 08:32 PM
Hey Kevin, BTW, Nice vision cage and blood in the back-ground of the second pic!
