View Full Version : Acupuncute for snakes?

03-18-05, 10:19 PM
Has anyone out there ever heard anything about acupunture being used to treat illness in snakes? It's currently being used more and more frequently for our "furry" friends (dogs, cats, horses, etc.), but I'm not sure if it has ever been used for reptiles. I'm an acupuncture student myself and have searched high and low online for info regarding the location of acu-points for snakes, but havn't found a thing! If anyone has any info I'd appreciate it...Thanks!

03-19-05, 01:27 AM
I'm sure if studied(sp?) enough it could work, though unless paralyzed wouldn't be much point.

I have seen it done on smaller animals, such as rats.

03-19-05, 11:57 AM
Doesn't really sound like that good of an idea to be poking snakes with pins, but hey, who am I to say!
Why would it have to be paralyzed for there to be a point?
(In humans) There are nerves that can release ceratonin (chemical that makes you happy), points that can release endorphins (for pain), points that can make you more awake, and points that can make you more tired. This is just a few examples, and you don't even have to be paralyzed to get them done! LOL!

03-21-05, 10:31 AM
Try not to think of it as "poking snakes with pins"...acupuncture is nothing but beneficial and actually, most patients (human and animal) actually enjoy the treatment...there are no negative side effects, and for most, the positive benefits towards greater health are dramatic

03-23-05, 03:17 PM
I know. I was a body piercer for many years and wanted to take accupuncture class for quite some time. I know lots about it, and have seen it done time and time again. Not on TV either. I was in physio for a long time.