View Full Version : Crimson Pics

11-19-02, 02:30 AM
Here is one of the female Crimson that I just go yesterday. This is an adult female crimson
Female Crimoson 1
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Candycanecorn&album_id=96028&image_id=91&courtesy=1">

Female Crimoson 2
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Candycanecorn&album_id=96028&image_id=92&courtesy=1">

Female Crimoson 3
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Candycanecorn&album_id=96028&image_id=93&courtesy=1">

Hope that you'll like her~

Thanks Ken for bringing the snakes up for me~
Thanks Jason Nelson for the snakes~

11-19-02, 05:58 AM
Nice looking snakes as usual Simon!! Congrats man

11-19-02, 09:36 AM
Nice reds on that one!

11-19-02, 07:38 PM
oo they have awesome eyes!

11-19-02, 08:02 PM
I really like #3.
Since I'm new to snakes, and only have 2 corns so far, I'm still going ga-ga over the colour varieties available in corns. Normally I'm attracted to blue or orange animals, but the red corns seem to get my attention the most.

Out of curiosity, is there such a thing as blue in corn snakes? Just wondering whether I can look forward to one somewhere along the way.

11-19-02, 08:04 PM
Just lovely. You got them at the PCPC show? who did you get them from?

11-20-02, 02:31 AM

Those 3 pics are the same snake.
Basically I have heard people naming blue corn snakes, but then they are only a morph of anery (black) corn snakes. Some people say that these genes do actually exsist but then from my own opinion, I don't think that these exsist yet.....

I got these from the US. Not the PCPC show. I really wanted to go, I heard that it was a great show~~ Hope that I could of went.....but no.....cause of a stupid exam that I had on a SUNDAY~~~~~
sorry about that...lol....