View Full Version : Gone nuts after shed?!

03-17-05, 08:23 PM
So my JCP just finished his first shed (In my posession) and it was perfect~! All in one nice 2' piece :D BUT ever since he has shed he is acting crazy~! He has never tired to bite and last night I tried handling him and he tried tagging me 3 separate times. If I even brush his tail with my knuckle or finger he freaks and whips around the tank like Speedy Gonzales :D Does anyone know why? :confused: Is it just saved up energy from when he was in shed? All he did was lay behind his water dish for 4-5 days. I also thought his shed took extremely long considering my Spotty is done his shed in 2-3 days. Different types of snakes...different shedding style maybe? :confused: Any help is appreciated~! And I will have a pic of him when I get my camera working properly :)

03-17-05, 08:34 PM
i may be wrong but...shedding is alot of work for snakes. he may just be real hungry. if at all possible i feed my snakes right after shed.

03-17-05, 08:52 PM
sounds pretty normal ... thats the way all my young JCP's are :)

I swear they think they're cobra's 1/2 the time :D

03-18-05, 01:31 AM
I fed him the day before he went into his shed though...4-5 days ago and I usually feed him fairly large hopper mice every 7 days so I dunno...maybe I will feed him a small fuzzy that I have left over...it's worth a try eh?

03-18-05, 05:15 AM
well you can feed baby snakes every 5 -7 days.

05-30-05, 12:34 PM
after shed, snakes new skin is really sensative, so that is proberbly it, just iritable!