View Full Version : Back From Mexico

Brent Strande
03-16-05, 02:40 PM
Well, I made it back from Puerto Vallerta in one piece!

The trip was a blast, and I even found a few herps along the way! I even got pictures of all of em, but then had a little mishap... :(

As I took the last picture on my camera on the last full day, (it was an up close macro shot of a parrot's eye) it turned out blurry, so I went to erase it, and accidentally formatted my camera!!!! On the last day, and it was cloudy, deleting EVERY picture from the trip!!! :(

So, as a man on a mission, I was able to get a few pics of some of the herps that I had spent so much time photographing before!

I saw iguanas, skinks, geckos, some strange crabs, and then random mammals... I had much better pics of all of them, but here's what I managed to recapture!

One of the iggies...


Then I was able to find some of the crabs that were crawling all over the rocks in the Marina and on the Jettys



I couldn't get a good pic of the geckos that I found when I had to retake, but here's a pic nonetheless... not sure what kind of gecko it was.



There was also a bunch of small skink-looking lizards, and not sure what they were exactly, but were FAST!

Finally, a pic of the bird that moved too fast (causing a blurry pic) and sent all my original pics down the drain...


03-16-05, 03:10 PM
Nice looking iguana i like that parrot too, sucks that you lost all your pics, thats one thing i dont like about digital its easy to loose your pics. anyways nice pics!