View Full Version : wont eat,

03-16-05, 01:50 PM
My corn has never refused a meal before but i just tried to feed him and he will not eat it. I even danced it infront of him for 10 minutes. his red is looking a little pink so i think he is going into a shed but he has eaten just prior to shedding before, i left the mouse in his enclosure, my question is how long should i leave it in there for before it starts to go "bad" if hes not going to eat it i would like to freeze it for after his shed.

Thanks for any help,

03-16-05, 02:02 PM
Even if sometimes they eat during a shed, it doesn't mean they always will. I would remove the prey item now and simply wait until after he sheds.


03-16-05, 02:06 PM
Alright thanks for the help, whats the best way to freeze it?

03-16-05, 02:23 PM
if its already been frozen and thawed than you cant (shouldnt) freeze it (for the same reason we dont eat re-frozen meat)... if its never been frozen before throw it in a bag and put the bag in your freezer (i use multiple bags as it is sorta wierd knowing there are frozen mice sittting next to your food!!

03-16-05, 02:26 PM
Hahaha sounds good to me, i killed it just before i fed it so it should be good to freeze, thanks