View Full Version : Need medical help? Is this normal?

11-18-02, 07:45 PM
Is this picture below a normal excrement type that boas produce? Is this what is referred to as a Urea Ball? My female boa has eaten twice, and is properly housed at home. It has a slight ammonia smell to it.(I think that is the appropriate odor description!) The aspen pine substrate wasn't digested, it is just accumulated on the deposit.


Is this normal, or should I take her to the vet? Please advise. She appears healthy and happy, so am I just worrying too much?


11-19-02, 04:16 PM
Yes that is perfectly normal, those hard white things are urates... they come out when the boa pee's... :) as long as those wood chips didnt come out with them!! hah hah... Im sure your boa is fine...

Darren Hamill
11-20-02, 01:07 PM
I agree with Jeff he's right on the money! Interesting pic! ;P

11-21-02, 09:15 AM
Thanks folks, I was just concerned. No the substrate wasn't ingested, Delilah is removed from her enclosure, and feed in a separate "snack Shack".

Thanks for the help!