View Full Version : Probing Question

Jason Wakelin
03-15-05, 02:33 PM
I have access to a Blue Tongued Skink for a potential breeding loan. The problem is I have no idea how to sex them! I am assuming they need to be probed like snakes. So my question is how deep should the probe go, for both males and females? Any help here would be appreciated. I've worked with Pink Tongues before but never the Blues.


Jason Wakelin

03-15-05, 03:02 PM
I don't know if anyone else would but I've had bts for a couple years and this year is my first breeding year. Personally I would never probe them, I'd be too afraid to hurt them. They are not as hard to sex as most people think. I've sexed 5 out of 6 right and was not sure about the 6th so I put it with a female. When nothing happened I put it with a male and the male bred her, telling me exactly what sex she was. ;) I have a sexing page for blueys on my site and I'm sure if you do a google search you will find more. I'd definately go by the size of head and hemi buldges before probing any day. I don't know if you can actually probe them, it might do more damage than anything.
If you want to see the page on my site go to sexing reptiles and then the sexing blue tongues page. Good luck.

Jason Wakelin
03-15-05, 03:38 PM

Thanks for the reply. I spent a little time in your website, very nice. One of the better amateur sites I've seen. As for the skinks, to sex them the way you describe I'd need either more experience, or about 6 specimens to compare. Although I agree it would be a safer method of sexing them. And it has been a while since I've probed a reptile ..... Anyway thanks again for the reply.
