View Full Version : 1st Reptiles of 2005

03-15-05, 08:45 AM
Took a shor trip before the weather changed heree to the lbj grasslands .saw 2 racers 1ribbon snakes a 12 pond slidders things are starting to move the big disapointment 1 dor Timber rattler hit by a car that passed a few minutes ahead of me:grab:

03-20-05, 10:50 PM
Sunday Mar 20
Drove To Nw Of Abilene saw no live snakes but sawlot of redear slidders sunning weather still a little cool here shoud see more after easter

Daniel Phillips
04-12-05, 03:11 AM
I love when the weather finally heats everything up and the snakes start to emerge


04-14-05, 03:03 PM
Yes, spring has definately begun. Last sunday (April 10) I found my first snakes of the season: two eastern garters. I hope to can find some uncommon species this year.

Sean (looking forward to Pelee!)

04-14-05, 06:17 PM
I found my first garter the other day by my school near the rugby field! Certainly made my day and I agree Pelee will be awsome!

04-15-05, 03:41 AM
Enjoy the weather and good herpin to all