View Full Version : when is the breeding season ...

03-14-05, 10:11 PM
I was just wondering when is the breeding season over. because i want my snake to start eating on a regular schedule. it ate for me last week and when i tried feeding it today it just tasted it with its toung and i didnt even try to eat it. i feed it mice but today i tried scenting a rat pup (almost the same size as the adult mice) by rubbing the dead mice on the dead rat pup and then i put the pup inside some aspen that the mice had soiled. since it didnt eat the rat pup i put the mice in there and nothing. if i did anything wrong please give me some advice. also by when do you think that my bp will start eating on a regular basis.
thanx, Lagoon

03-14-05, 10:55 PM
"it just tasted it with it's tongue and I didn't even try to eat it"
Maybe that's the problem, instead of eating it yourself, you should offer it to the snake. JK.

As for when the breeding season is over; soon. As for when you're snake will start eating again, only your snake knows, and he's not telling. Don't stress it, he'll eat when he's hungry.

03-15-05, 04:46 PM
thank for pintion out my type-o. lol and also thanks for replying i will try again next week then or is it too early to try again.

03-15-05, 06:04 PM
I offer once a week, but if you are going to be wasting mice/rats doing that you might want to just offer every two weeks until he starts taking every two weeks and then slip back into your usual routine.

03-15-05, 08:55 PM
thanks nita. also did i scent the rat right or did i scent it wrong