View Full Version : Ants!!

03-14-05, 08:52 PM
Anyone have problems with ants in their varanid dirt?

I keep running into this problem. I find winged ants (which I've learned at queens colonizing) then an army of little ones soon after. I've tried various ways of ridding them (ant traps, natural insecticied powders) Nothing's worked.

Any ideas?? does it pose a threat to the monitors? (big blackthroats)?


03-14-05, 10:18 PM
Black Knight in every cage when I set it up, unless its a cage that insectivorous reptiles live in. Its shame you cant buy the stuff right now, it kils insects so fast but is completely safe for reptiles.

03-14-05, 11:53 PM
I learned that lesson myself. I now go to a local sand and gravel place and load up my truck. I let it sit for a day in the hot Alabama sun for a day before unloading. I don't know if it's my method or just dumb luck, but it's been working so far.
Maybe start raising some horned toads and let them live in the cage for a week. I used to catch them when i lived in New Mexico and they are some serious ant munchers. Hahahaha


03-15-05, 04:21 PM
I wrote about ants and Varanus niloticus in Herpetological Bulletin last year - about marauding ants on a 5' nile, whereby it dived into its water pool to seek refuge from these neferious formic acid bearing intelligent insects....

03-15-05, 04:45 PM
interesting guys, thanks!

any tips on eradicating this problem?

03-19-05, 03:13 PM
I have heard some people use gasoline to soak the ground and lite! I do not recommend that at all!

Perhaps if you place vasoline/oil/petrolia around the incubator the ants cant walk through that!

good luck,

03-19-05, 03:25 PM
i'll send over my horned toad lizard, she'll eat the problem Hehe! ^^

Tried just boiling water? ants can be such a pain. they are the flying ones too? I know its the season for that, hopfully they will pass. do you get this problem just when spring is happening or all the time?

03-19-05, 03:27 PM
That might work... Choke them in some way. Let us know :)

Originally posted by mbayless
I have heard some people use gasoline to soak the ground and lite! I do not recommend that at all!

Perhaps if you place vasoline/oil/petrolia around the incubator the ants cant walk through that!

good luck,

03-19-05, 03:31 PM
From what I've researched, when you see flying ants its actually colonizing ants (queens) getting ready to nest.. Which makes sense to me as about a year ago i had lots of them in their dirt, which now seems to be a full blown nest. I may try the boiling water thing, but this is a 6 foot box FULL of dirt (2ft deep) so it may be difficult lol

The vaseline thing works as they get stuck in it, and i've used the method for a bit to keep them contained but unfortunatly theres too many.. thanks for the suggestions guys! i'am working on a mixture "bait" that i'am going to leave out and see if I have any success, if I do i'll let you know.

03-19-05, 03:37 PM
i dont know if those ants are the same but i know it only takes one ant to lay down a scent trail. And that is what all the others will follow.
Those flying ones must be queens, your right on that one i think.

maybe leave some dead any bodies as a warning LOL. Just teasn :D

03-19-05, 04:43 PM
Another trick is 'formic acid' - this is the same chemical the ants use to make a chem-trail so the other ants can follow them - if you watch the terrific sci-fi 1954 film "Them" you learn abit about ants and how they wreck subterranean Los Angeles too!

Formic acid trail can be used to move the ants around the enclosures like a wagon train and indians - they circle and circle without ever stopping till they die - also the 'flying ants' are actually "Princesses" who are born by the wing = when they mate in the air, the males soon die, and the 'Queens' then find a place to make a nest and make a colony. They can live for 15 years! That is like moses being 160 in the desert!

good luck Formicidae hunters!

03-19-05, 06:51 PM
Mark, I read about the scent trail... Pretty fascinating stuff!!!
I'd almost like to keep a colony contained, and watch them.

I'am waging war on the little bastards tonight!!! we shall see!!