View Full Version : how do you guys heat your tank?

03-13-05, 06:26 PM
I have a 20 g long with a 100 watt tight beam basking light. It is no further then 6 inches from basking site and i placed my digital therm with probe under the light and it only registers about 98 degrees at most. I dont understand why enough heat is not being produced, any ideas? Shouldnt a 100 watt be enough?


03-13-05, 07:45 PM
i have a mesh type cage 175 gallon with 2 150 watt bulbs and a 40? inch uvb fixture (36 -40 i dont know) i have my heat buls (1 tight beam the other infrared) about 10 inches from the top of the basking rock and this keeps the tight beam at about 110-112 and the infrared keeps it about 100 the rest of the cage varies from 80-90 degrees. you'll just have to figure out how to move the bulb closer or maybe get another 50 w or 75 w to put near the 100w

03-13-05, 08:35 PM
drop the dome lamp right down on the screen top.. your looseing alot of heat from the air that getting between the top and the light.. if you drop it right down youll direct all the heat right into the tank.. youll raise the temps a little..

also what type of bulb are you useing.. eco-terra have jungle bulbs as well as desert bulbs.. and i find the desert create a higher concetration of heat in one area.. better for basking.. or you could look for a 125w spot light at a hardware store

03-14-05, 11:54 AM
I use a exo teara 150w tight beam in my 65 gallon. This would be too big for your tank. I also use an UTH to keep a warm spot in the tank at night when the lights go out. I keep my UVB and my basking light on a timer that comes on at 8 a.m. and shuts off at 9 p.m.

03-14-05, 06:10 PM
Yeah i dropped my 100w tight beam right to the cage screen and the temps are about 111 in the basking area, thanks