View Full Version : episode 3 is coming!

Senator Gracken
03-13-05, 05:29 PM
MAY 19, 2005!!!!!

it had better rock, if it sucks as much as episodes 1 and 2 ill have to curl up in a sock drawer and cry for days. on a plus note the trailer is pretty good.

Tim and Julie B
03-13-05, 05:32 PM
How can anyone not like Episode Two???? I have heard so many friggin complaints about it. I love the whole explaination of how the empire was created and Storm troopers are clones.......that's really cool. I have no argument supporting Episode 1 though....lol.

03-13-05, 10:42 PM
Star Wars Trailers



The first one is very long to dowload.
Why have we to wait more to see this movie. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Asian Jon
03-13-05, 11:00 PM
I can't FREAKING wait!! I loved both 1 and 2. I've got to admit 1 was waaaaay better though ;)

03-14-05, 12:40 AM
I agree with Julie B. Come to my house, with the 5.1 (x3) and we'll see how much Attack of the Clones sucked. It was insane. Now, because of that movie, audio is 70% of my movie experience.

03-14-05, 01:53 AM
I LOOOOVED Episode II. I saw it 3 times opening week... twice in one day! :D Wicked movie! But since my 5 year old loved it as much as I did and watched it once a day for a few months, I've had my fill for the next while! :D :p

I'll check it out again before Episode III though. Gotta refresh the old geek brain before adding new content! :D

03-14-05, 08:34 AM
Parts of Episode one rocked. Darth Maul was awesome, Ewan McGregor was amazing, just the stupid floppy eared freak sucked.

Episode 2 was almost ruined by Hayden Christensen. I was pretty much ashamed he was Canadian, even if it was his role, he was way to sucky. I expected to see Sam Gamgee and Frodo Baggins run up and have a big cry fest with the him. Yes I know the whole building up to turn into Darth yada yada yada. I just never expected Darth Vader, one of the coolest villians in movie history to be a sniviling cry baby brat as a teenager.

Once again Ewan McGregor was excellent, and the rest of the story was great.

03-14-05, 09:00 AM
Episode II absolutely rocked!! I can't wait for number III.

Senator Gracken
03-14-05, 10:59 PM
i must admit parts of one and two were good like darth maul and the clone building aliens but overall i was severly dissapointed but then again its hard to live up to 4, 5, and 6 :D

03-15-05, 08:11 AM
Well, even though Jar Jar and Christensen nearly ruined 1 and 2 for me, I'm excited to see number 3. I can't wait to see how Anakin turns...

Agreeing with Jeff, sound is at least half of what these movies are! I think I'll be setting up my third surround speaker for this one! 6.1 BABY!! lol

03-15-05, 12:06 PM
Woo hoo!!!!!!!