View Full Version : breeding african giant millies

03-12-05, 11:48 PM
ever sence i got my millipedes in december they have been mating alot. i catch them mating almost twice or more a week. is there any thing i should have special for the eggs (i'm guessing they lay eggs i'm not even sure lol) in their cage is about an inch or more of reptile dirt, theres also fake plants and hides.

03-13-05, 07:16 AM
They lay eggs in their feces (little brown balls scattered all over the tank). In time you will see some little white things, that sorta look like worms at a glance, booking it around the tank. So they aren't gonna lay a pile of eggs, just a few here and there in their feces.

03-13-05, 09:10 AM
Man those are big, very nice. What are you feeding them?

03-14-05, 06:50 PM
thanks marcus, sounds like it might be gross but cool. i really can't wait though, i have been dieing to have little baby millies sence i first saw mine breeding.

walter- i mostly feed them the same fish flakes i feed to my grandparents gold fish. they also get lots of fresh vegies like carrots and apples.