03-12-05, 12:29 AM
Well I found out today that temps are absolutly ciritcal, when it comes to getting a bp to eat. For those of you, probably not many, but for those of you who dont use thermometre's or heat guns..get one. Get your temps just right and your bp should start eating regularly again :D
This girl was on the lower part of the rack where its usually only 88. I moved her up before I left, so shes been up where its 92 for the last 2 weeks. Tonight she ate again with furry. Head stuck out and she tagged the rat quickly. Its good to have this female back on food!
This girl was on the lower part of the rack where its usually only 88. I moved her up before I left, so shes been up where its 92 for the last 2 weeks. Tonight she ate again with furry. Head stuck out and she tagged the rat quickly. Its good to have this female back on food!