View Full Version : Panting rat

The Dragon Lady
03-11-05, 06:56 PM
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced their rats panting heavily? (She is in her house by herself) She is currently on Pine beddng and we are changing the bedding to Aspin to see if this is the issue.


03-12-05, 01:42 AM
rats don't really pant, are you sure she isn't choking or gasping for breath (they can't puke either, and when it looks like they do, it's because the food has not yet reached the stomache). Honestly, either get her to a vet, or it's her time to go.

The Dragon Lady
03-12-05, 10:22 AM
She seems to be better with the change in bedding. We got her to be a bredder, but we think she is more of a retired senior than a bredder. She has now become a pet and is quite content to sit on my husbands shoulder. She really hates to be in her cage. If she starts breathing heavily again, I will bring her to the vet. Thanks

03-12-05, 10:58 PM
Actually rats tend to go down QUICK, it's kind of like snakes, by the time you notice it, it's time to go to the vet NOW.

03-13-05, 03:27 PM
Sounds like it could be respiratory myco (mycoplasmosis for short). Usually caused by overcrowded environments, dirty living conditions, and genetics. (I'm guessing it's the latter). If you're just dealing with the fallout from having been on pine instead of a harder wood (aspen), the switch from pine to aspen may help it if it isn't myco. Keep an eye out for any improvements, which would rule out myco.

03-13-05, 10:49 PM
Actually, almost all rats have myco (unless from a pathogen free lab). And is usually only "visible" when extreme stress, surgery etc..etc.. or a secondary infection.

myco causes respirtory SYMPTOMS and porphyin discharge. Other symptoms such as loss of appetite, lethargy, rouch coat, and a hunched posture are usually caused by a secondary infections. These symptoms require immediate treatment. A rat who is extremely lethargic and refuses to eat or drink may need antibiotics by injection.

pg 18 of The Rat Health Care Book, by Debbie "The Rat Lady" Ducommun, a must have for every PET rat owner.

03-13-05, 11:08 PM
So what's your point?

03-14-05, 02:34 AM
that i'm doubtful it was myco ;)

of course there was/is always a chance.
Also if she has another "attack" try picking her up to sooth her, as when they are ill they tend to cling to their human companions.

The Dragon Lady
03-14-05, 06:55 AM
The only time she pants is when she is in her house, we have come to the conclusion that she just does not want to be in the cage. When we are home she sits on my husbands shoulder or in a basket. She is content to watch what we are doing from the basket. Maybe she is just hyper ventalating? Since we changed the bedding, we have noticed that she is not panting heavily any longer, she also spends less time in her cage. Thank you both for your help.