View Full Version : Chameleon enclosure

03-10-05, 11:16 PM

This is one of jd's latest models. A 20 inch diameter by 24 inch high living space and a 9 inch base . On a lazy susan that allows access to the back door.. It's got plexie front and screen sides to allow proper ventalation .With a screen opening on top for heat light , and 18inch light fixture inside .

03-22-05, 12:12 PM
what do they cost aproximately?

03-22-05, 10:12 PM
The screen terrariums start @ $175.00 Canadian and up ............... depending on the sizes ......

03-24-05, 12:42 AM
nice, id like to get one actually, can i get more info?

03-30-05, 03:19 PM
Thats cool. How are the chameleons handling the reflection of the plex glass. Or does being bowed like that take away some of the reflection?
Just might be iffy with some of the more territorial chameleons. But I could be wrong some people have had no problemes while others do. Would be great for any sort of gecko though.

But dont get me wrong it's a really cool enclosure.


03-30-05, 07:05 PM
Way too small for that cham. The "right" size for his cage should be is 4 feet high, 3 wide, 2 deep .. different dimensions obviously for a circle, but I'de say double that size in all directions.

Also, that bark on the bottom can cause problems with irritation, and if he accidentially intakes some it can cause digestive problems.


03-30-05, 07:29 PM
Thank you for all your reply.... as far as the reflection there is very little to no reflection , because the round bow front... and the plex glass is only on the front of the terrarium........ the sides are screen...................... yes it would be great for gecko's

03-30-05, 07:42 PM
This chameleon was in this terrarium only for the day at the reptile show... (the chameleon was not fed while in the enclosure) . I do agree with you that cypress mulch is not the proper substrate to be using while housing chameleons......

the screen terrariums are available up to 5ft in hight .......

03-30-05, 07:45 PM

A friend of mine went to the last reptile show and told me how he knew one of you guys haha. Does a Sean C ring a bell? He opened up a pet shop not to long ago. He probly already told ya lol


03-31-05, 11:16 PM
Sorry I don't mean to be rude.
But if you know that the mulch is not good for the chameleon. Shouldn't you display it with the proper substrate? I know it there because it looks but, but if someone just walking by happens to notice a reputable company housing a chameleon with that substrate they might think that it is ok.

And yea I thought that bowed front might have that kind of affect. Thats awsome. Are you able to ship to wpg and what would the costs be like in total for shipping.
I like how the uvb light is mounted inside.

What is the diameter and cost of the five foot high cage?
